Chapter Sixteen

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I'm shaking uncontrollably. My knees bouncing and the guy next to me looks annoyed.

I check my watch constantly, even though you can't fly a plane any quicker. My mind still replaying everything that happened 18 hours ago.

Phillip stood at the bottom of the stairs looking up at me. Standing in a compromised position. Daniel leaning in about to kiss me but I stay clear of it because of the guy standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"What the hell is going on?" Phillip's furious.

"Phillip, what are you doing here?"

"I came to visit my girlfriend, who has been away for far too long. Clearly, I know now why!" He sucks his head and storms out of the house.

"Wait, Phillip!" I chase after him.

"Isla, don't chase after him. His not worth it." Daniel tries to stop me.

"Don't tell me what to do. If you hadn't have tried to kiss me, he wouldn't been mad." I keep on chasing after Phillip.

Phillip stands outside, furious, Hands going threw his hair.

"Phillip, it's not what it looks like." I catch up to him.

"Like that my girlfriend is making out with some guy behind my back. Fuck Isla, honestly, I'm not too sure what to believe!" He waves his hands around.

"Believe me, please. I'm not cheating on you. Did you not see me move away and avoid it?" I beg him to listen.

"Yeah, but that still doesn't excuse the fact that he had in his head that you were single!" He's mad. "Fuck, honestly Isla. Did you not say that we were in a relationship?"

"Yes, I told him that. God everyone knew that, because shit happened today and I told them all our story. And how I Lo..." I couldn't finish the sentence.

"Because you what Isla?"

"I lov..." I stuttered. "I lov..."

"For fuck sakes. You can't even say it. I'm going, this was a waste of a trip." He storms off and gets back into the car he must have hired.

So, I'm nervous as hell getting off this plane, getting into a taxi, through peak hour traffic and getting back home. Only to open the front door and see that he isn't home. Nothing of his is home. No note, car gone. No clothing in his wardrobe. No bathroom supplies. He just up and left.

Philip Perkins has left me.

And my heart shattered.


I called and called and called his phone. But no answer.

He wasn't even in work for a week. Jonathon said something about exploring Australia for unknown designers.

Jonathon gets worried. Like really worried. Like more than usual, since his wife is due.

"Isla," He rushed into my office, with a phone in his hand. "I'm going to be a father!"

"Yes, God Jonathon, I know!" I sigh to him.

"No, I mean right now. Like we've gotta go!"


"Yes, we. You and I. My wife's not having the birth without their godmother there!"

"Holy shit!" I get up and grab my bag and get dragged out of the office with Jonathon dragging me.

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