Chapter Nineteen

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May in London, it was still cold, but some warmer days were to come.

There was a massive line out front. Some people have been lining up since last night just to get a piece of clothing or accessories. They just want something.

I had to walk in through the back door since it was so chaotic out front. Genevieve and I were working late last night putting everything out into the new section of the shop. The shop was still small, so only so many people at once. But that still didn't stop the amount that run in once we opened the door.

So many at once. They just ran in. Everyone wanted a piece of my line. Well, our line.

"I believe I have never seen my shop so busy." Gen smiled at me. She was just as excited as I was.

We had customer after customer coming in and out. I was even asked to join in some photos and get things signed. I felt like I was a celebrity, even though I wasn't. Or I didn't think I was.

"We love your line." "This is amazing." "Omg, you're Lady Isla?" "Can we get a photo with you?"

These kept on going throughout the day. My smile seemed to be permanently plastered on my face. Genevieve had so much busy through the day, most of her shelves and racks were bare as well.

We had to close the store twice to restock. I swear I thought I wasn't going to have enough stock to late until the end of the week. We closed the shop later than usual since we still had people queuing up.

"Thank you for everything today," Gen smiles shutting the door closed, "I still can't believe how much business just came through today."

"Me neither," I still in some shock, "I can't believe that we almost sold out of everything."

Gen move around behind the counter and started to tidy up a few things. My phone buzzed with Phillips face appearing. I didn't answer it.

"You going to get that?" Gen asks.

"Nope!" And I moved to the racks to start restocking things. I started pulling boxes out from the back and bringing them to the front to stock.

"What's going on between you and Phillip missy?"

"Nothing." I sounded dull.

"Oh come off it. I know somethings up." Gen crosses her arms.

I sighed because she knew she was right.

"He left me, after one stupid mistake. I didn't cheat. I swear it, but then he has the nerve to leave me and tell me he doesn't love me, because my grandmother 'talked' to him about pulling his working visa. I mean, you don't just leave because of a fucking working visa."

Gen looks confused.

"Alright, ima head back alittle. Phillip and I became a thing March, then I was over here for a little longer than expected with the house and grandmother issues. He caught me in a position that I was stopping. Daniel, Amelia's brother was about to kiss me. I moved away and saw Phillip. We got into a fight before he stormed off home.

"He literally left me. Packed up at the house, packed up at the office. Jonathon had to talk sense into him. Since Phillip couldn't honestly leave because Jonathon is on paternity leave and I was coming over here every few weeks. Anyway, shit happened and we argued. He said he didn't love me and pretty much up and left me. I wasn't running away and I wanted to fight, but when you tell someone you don't love them. What can you do?

"Anyway, apparently my grandmother spoke to him about pulling his work ing visa or some shit. He literally left for a freaking piece of paper. How would you feel is Christopher did that to you? Like honestly."

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