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Long after the end of civilizations in 2120, after the complete eradication of technology, there emerged a handful of people with special abilities. Taking the ways of their earliest ancestors, they split themselves into different clans, establishing order and peace. Technology was considered an equal to the devil and was banned, for it was the reason for The End.

There were 4 clans.

The Kings

The Queens

The Jacks

The Ace

The Kings were an all-male clan blessed with eternal life. But it came at a cost. They have the power to summon anything they wish for but rarely used it for using it too much can drain their life force.

The Queens clan was an all-female clan similar to the Kings clan. They too were blessed with immortality. They too had the power of wish-granting, but with the same defect.

The Kings and The Queens were the true elders. They've existed since The End.

The Jacks (Short for Jack-Of-All-Trades) were known for their exemplary skills. They were The Alpha. The most evolved form of

human beings in terms of skills, combat, reflexes, intelligence, and adaptability. In short, The Perfect Human Being. They can do anything they want without practice and achieve it in the first attempt. They could also blend in anywhere without raising suspicion.

The Ace was a peculiar clan. No other clan knows what their exact powers were. But according to ancient texts of the elder members, The Ace clan practiced the long-forgotten Dark Arts and had a handful of powers, their main being magic. They were the most powerful among the four. They were the original rulers but voluntarily stepped down. Nobody knows why.

It was still unclear why certain clans had certain abilities. Each clan had its theory. The Kings and The Queens theorized this as the work of God. These 2 clans were firm believers of God.

The Jacks took the scientific way and theorized it as the result of exposure of some people to higher levels of dark radiation (Dark Matter Radiation) and some to lower levels when the First Ones (The first survivors, creators of the clans) came out of their bunkers after The End (The end of the world).

The Ace theorized the use of dark magic as the cause. Overtime, the population of the Jack and Ace clans increased.

Each clan was symbolized by a rune. The rune was etched to a member's wrist during adolescence. But over time, the offsprings were born with these runes.

The radiation has worsened since and was given the name Charr Sector. It wasn't the same as before, for being exposed to these new levels of radiation could prove fatal.

Together. all these clans established a beautiful ecosystem, reviving vital plants, and building artificial rivers. They produced water with the wish boon of the Kings and Queens clan combined.

Radiation levels reduced where these clans thrived. They labeled themselves as Neo-Sapiens OR the evolved humans. The new clans followed no racism or discriminating nature of their ancestors. The elders would often tell stories of the old earth, describing its vast technological advancements. But they would later say that this advancement and the greed of a few men in power was the reason the old world failed to live longer. Sometimes they would say that they wished a world like that, a greedy and unloving world ended a lot sooner.

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