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The only thing she remembers is fighting Jay, restricted from showing her feelings and remembering who he is. Something was off.

She left for her fight against another Ace. They fought fiercely. The sound of beams of energy clashing with each other. The adrenaline of the fighters increases with each attack. Finally, the opponent got the upper hand and knocked her out. But she didn't give up. She wiped the blood from her nose and proceeded to attack again, this time with more force. Her powers had an advantage and a disadvantage. The more she used her powers, the more it evolved, but at the same time exhausting her.

She conjured a chain from her energy and used it like a lasso. The crowds' excitement surged, for they had never seen something like that. The opponent proceeded to conjure something too, but Alexa had the upper hand, knocking him out.

In the preparation area, the other contestants applauded her. She truly felt like being home with people who knew she existed, who never treat her like a castaway.

She removed her gear and sat down on a bench, massaging her sore legs. She tried to think about what happened after falling down the hole, but her attempt failed. She had this bizarre idea of using her magic to see what she can not. Her fingers glowed. She touched her head with these fingers, but it did not help much. She got up and proceeded to exit the arena. She walked out of the dimly lit room, greeted with a bright flash of sunlight.

It must've been the light, or maybe the transition from the dark to the light area because something triggered her into remembering a fragment of what had happened. She collapsed, holding her head and screaming with unbearable pain. Some of the people near took her to the infirmary, where she lay flattened. Her pulse was fluctuating, her heartbeats were rapid, and her temperature increased. The doctor cooled down her body with a damp cloth and gave her some medicines. Her pulse refreshed. Her beats were normal.

Jay's Cottage

Alexa woke up, her head still throbbing with pain.

"You all right?" Jay asked.

"Yeah. Just a terrible headache,"

"What happened?"

"I don't know,"

"Come on. You can tell me,"

"It's nothing. Don't worry. Where are we?"

"My cottage. This used to be Damon's cottage,"

"Okay then. Take care," He further spoke.

"Wait, Don't leave,"


"I don't know. I'm feeling scared. Being around you makes me feel safe,"

Jay smiled.

"I'll always be with you. No matter where," He said and sat there with her. Her suspicion of Damon and her memory fragment slipped away at that moment. She slowly fell asleep, her hand still holding his. He left, slowly placing her arm on her body.

There was an atmosphere of love around the two of them. They wanted to confess their love but they couldn't. They desperately wanted to say the words "I Love You", but couldn't. That moment by the river before was truly a special moment for both of them. It was the first time that Alexa smiled with love. It was the first time she smiled with joy.

It was also the first time Jay was happy. It was the moment he knew, she was the one.

Moments Later...

Alexa woke up in shock. She had dreamt about the fragmented memory. She was all alone, in the dimly lit room. Other than a headache, she was perfectly all right.

This used to be Damon's cottage. There must be something to confirm her suspicion.

She got up and searched for something. She didn't know what exactly it was she was searching for.

All that ransacking yielded no results. The disappointed Ace left the cottage.

It was dusk. The sunset's presence slowly faded, and the moon's fresh beams lit the earth. She walked under the lone moon's light, second-guessing her thoughts.

"Maybe I'm overthinking," She thought. She continued walking against the cool breeze of air.

Alexa was a girl who's been lonely her whole life. She had no one to call a family nor did she have a place to stay. Thieving came to her naturally. Thieving in the darkness was nothing. Doing it in broad daylight was the real challenge. She would create challenges for herself to improve her skills.

She saw Damon walking towards an area of darkness. Curiosity got the better of her and she decided to follow him. He disappeared into the darkness. A large patch of shadow into which Damon faded. She walked onto the shadow. Instead of hitting a wall or a rock, like she thought she would, she walked through the shadow entering another realm.

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