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The next day, Jordan was excited to meet Alexa. He got ready and headed for the Ace clan. When he entered, he wasn't greeted the usual way by the shopkeepers. There was a crowd in the market surrounding a scene. Jordan got closer and found himself shocked. There she was, Alexa, being arrested by some officers.

"Officer, what's the matter?" Jordan inquired.

"Oh, thank you, Jordan for letting us know about her,"

"What do you mean?" He asked, confused.

"You gave us the info that Alexa here used her powers on you, in public, remember? We enquired and found witnesses who confirmed it,"

"What? What are you guys talking about? I never came to you guys,"

"Look, Prince Jordan. You came to us and reported that she used her

powers on you, stealing your pouch, and taking off. And we found your pouch in her hands,"

"Oh no. Can I talk to her?"


Jordan looked at her. She didn't look back. She felt betrayed. No. She didn't feel betrayed. She WAS Betrayed.

"Alexa, please listen to me. You know I would never do this. You know me," Jordan tried to explain it wasn't him. But she refused to listen.

"No. I don't know you. If I had known you, you wouldn't have done this. It's my fault for trusting you. Now please just get the hell out of my sight," Alexa spoke, heartbroken. They took her and left. Tears rolled down Jordan's eyes. He looked back at her, before leaving. She was crying.

What happened? When did Jordan report Alexa? A sorrowful Jordan returned to his clan, the picture of Alexa crying and etched in his mind. An image he can never get rid of.

Jordan went back to his clan only to find another surprise. Large crowds were gathered at his house. His father was being yelled at by everyone.

He went to the market without being seen by anyone. A shopkeeper stopped him.

"Joe. What's the matter?" Jordan asked.

"Why didn't you tell us you were an improper jack?" Joe replied.

"WHAT? How did you know?"

"A girl from the Ace clan told us just now,"

"Did she say her name?"

"Yeah. Alexa,"

"What? So you'll believe anything some girl says?"

"She sounded pretty sure and she said she had proof,"

"But Alexa... She was just arres---"

"Look. Jordan's here. Get him," Someone shouted.

"Son. RUN. Get out of here," Jay's father shouted.

Jordan ran. The angered crowd followed him. The Jacks were people you can't get away from. They will find you no matter what. Jordan ran as fast as he could. He reached The Queens Clan and hid there for the time being.

He made sure that the crowd lost track and went to the riverside. He didn't understand what was going on. Right now, the riverside was the one place he needed to be. How could Alexa tell them when she was arrested moments ago? What was going on? Jordan had to clear his and Alexa's names but he needed proof. He sat under the shade of the tree, slowly drifting away in his questions.

Nightfall came. Jay was awoken by the smell of smoke. He woke up to see his surroundings in flames. He quickly got on his feet and ran back to his clan. Screams were heard. Cries for help clouded the air. What happened next can only be described as an abomination.

He reached there to find people panicking. All of the houses were up in flames. Fireballs continued to rain from the sky. The screaming of men, women & children filled the air. Everything was engulfed in flames. He rushed to his house to find his father, but it was too late. He was already dead.

Jay rushed to the Kings clan in search of King Kaiser. He ran through the burning bushes and trees. The forest that was once so alive now scared him. The smell of smoke had him running faster.

He arrived. The Kings clan was no less destroyed than his clan. He figured The Queens clan had entered the clan for shelter as he found their bodies lying under the fire and debris from what he saw.

"Anyone there," A faint sound for help was heard. It was King Kaiser. Jay rushed towards him.

"King. What happened?" Jordan asked in terror.

"I don't know Jay. Mo-moments after I received th-the news that your sec-cret got out, we were attacked. Balls o-of fire rained from th-the sky. Hi-his troops attacked us fr-from the inside. Our people were the betrayers."

"Whose? Whose troops attacked?"

"I-I don't know. But from what I saw, the rumors are true. If they are alive and-d real, Be ca-careful of him, J-Jay," Kaiser breathed his last.

Jay immediately thought of Alexa.

"Oh God," He exclaimed and took off. The path to the Ace clan was isolated by fallen trees, burning violently. The path around it was engulfed in fire. The path with the trees was the only option he got to reach there. He had no hesitation. He ran. The hanging branches slit his limbs here and there. Other than a wince, he didn't show any emotion. He didn't stop. The only thought he had in his mind was that he shouldn't be late. No harm should come to her. His sleeves caught fire, but he didn't care. He tapped them off.

He arrived. It was the same scene. Flames and debris covering the entire area.

"ALEXA," He yelled.

"ALEXA," He yelled again. No response. He began his search from the Prisoners Loft. And there she was. Lying unconscious under rubble.

Jay pushed the debris away, carried Alexa out of there, and got out before attaining further damage. 

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