Part 1

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Lilli Smith was once a normal ten year old girl, she did cartwheels with her friends, played dolls with her little brother, and hopscotched with the street kids. All in all, her life was full of fun. But things are never still, the world isn't always a happy place, and on the 6th of March, things decided to change.

"Lilli! Peter! Time for dinner!" Lilli's mother, Violetee, called while banging on a pan like all other mothers and fathers in Twain Street.

Lilli walked into the house with a skip in her step and her little brother Peter following closely behind.

They sat on the dining table and Lilli's father brought the food, there was spaghetti and meatballs, broccoli, salad, and a delicious key lime pie.

"Honey." Her father had said, urging her mother to say the news.

"Children, you know how my job has stations all over the world?" She asks.

"Yes, there is one here, one in Hong Kong which is in China, another one in Wales, then there is the one in São Paulo, one in Peculiorbis, the one with the big computers in the midlands..." and on and on Lilli's brother talked, everything he said was correct, as always.

"Yes sweetie, and guess what?! They are sending us to Peculiorbis!" She exclaimed with fake excitement. Lilli's and Peter's smile dropped from their faces and they stared at their mother in shock.

"When do we leave?" Lilli managed to squeak.

"Tomorrow, so eat up and go pack your bags, each of you are allowed one handbag or backpack and one suitcase." She said.

And that was that, this would be the children's last night in Cripple Creek, their last night in Twain Street, their last night in the place they used to call home.

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