Part 2

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The next day they were on a plane headed to Peculiorbis, their mother telling them all about the wonderful city they were headed for. And it's rules.

"There are three kind of people there, people like us who live on the upper houses. The houses in our part of town have a different color each, ours is champagne pink. The people with more power such as the Desprincetituou, who is the ruler there, has a golden house, and the Supreme Bank Manager has a silver house." Their mother said "The school is a big building and it's color is blue." She paused to take a breath.

"That's probably because blue is the color for loyalty, wisedom, and intelligence." Said Peter, knowing everything as usual.

"That's probably it." His mother agreed.

"What are the other kind of people? Are they different because they are poor? Magical? Rich? Hipper? Ultra smart? Why?" Lilli asked.

"There are the Parvulus, they are low class and impoverished, but bright, though not in the way of smarts, I mean that their skin laterally shines. They are warriors with different powers each. They might seem inocent and happy, but trust me they are the opposite of fun. So stay away from them." Their mother said. "Then there are the Magnilus, they are powerful, magical, beautiful, and supreme. They live in the sky and keep the city from crumbling down, they keep the peace, and tell the people when danger is coming. They help fight wars and are the wisest of beings. If you see one, pay your respects. You'll know who they are by their beauty and air of power."

"Are there kids there?" Lilli asked.

"Yes, you will meet lots of kids in school and make wonderful friends. I'm surtain of it." Her mother said.

"Who is in power the people or the Magnilus?" Peter asked not knowing something for once in his life.

"Both, we rule the land but they rule the laws and the peace. We rule the money, they rule the magic. We rule the trade, they rule the social classes. We rule the schools and hospitals and make the laws, they make sure we are doing it correctly and reenforce the major laws." Their mother replied.

The rest of the trip was silent as the kids tried to process and understand what their mother had said.

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