Part 5

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When school came Lilli learned there were 2 different schools. Her school was blue and she went there from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00p.m.

Fox, Raven, Flower, and all the other Parvulus went to a different school. It was brown and the windows were dirty. The teachers were bad and the food was bland. It went from 7:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. and then there was homework to finish after that.

It was sad and unfair. Lilli had never been one to let unfair things happen. She is the kind of person who speaks up for her friend when older kids bully them, the kind of person who go up to the principal if the teacher is putting someone on the spot or has a grudge against someone, the kind of person who is friends with and speaks up for kids who have a bad reputation. She never misses a chance to make things right and fair.

But this time she didn't. Even though her friends pleaded with her to do so. Even though she wanted to help. Even though she thought this was unfair. She did nothing.

She had learned how things worked in this town. Those who spoke against the law were locked up and starved. And even if that wasn't a risk her mother would be very upset. When her mother had found out she was playing with Parvulus she had locked Lilli inside the house for a week, Lilli had to play with her new friends in secret now. She didn't want to upset her mother more by speaking up.

And so she let things go. She apologized to her friends for not helping and hoped they understood, and then she went home to see what was needed to prepare for her first day of school.

Lilli's new school was very similar to her old one. There were more teachers though. She had an English teacher who was sweet and kind. A Spanish teacher who was mean and strict. A math teacher who was lots of fun. A science teacher who was quiet but nice. A history teacher who wasn't much, he was boring and had a love for textbooks. She also had a P.E. teacher, and an art teacher, a music teacher, a tech teacher, and even a cooking teacher.

The desks were made of nice wood and each kid had their own desk and chair. The pencils were sharpened and the lockers were spacious.

Since it was the first day of school they didn't have any actual teaching.

In math they named their folders for each class, in science they learned how to open their lockers and when they were done they decorated the inside, Lilli decorated her locker by putting pictures up of her with her friends. In history class they got their textbooks and went over school rules, in English they wrote a poem about themselves, and in spanish they learned how to say "Olá, mi nombre es", which means "hello, my name is", in art they could draw whatever they wanted and Lilli drew a river with swimming fish.

But the best part of Lilli's day was the amount of friends she made. There is Chloe who lives in a lime green house with her mother, her dog, and her brother. There is Jaden who has three cats, and loves to play soccer. And there is Justin who's name means justice and who loves orange juice.

She told all of this to her Parvulus friends and her friends told her how their day was in return.

"The math, science and history teacher is a fine woman." said Flower.

"There was a breeze coming through the window." said Fox.

"I got a B- in my English thesis!" Said Raven.

"Really?! I got a D." said Flower.

"You guys did a thesis on the first day of school?" Lilli asked shocked.

"Yeah." Said Flower.

"I made a new friend." Fox said quietly.

"A new friend?!"

"What is her name?"

"Is it a she, a he, or a they?"

"What did you guys do?!"

"How did you meet?"

They bombarded her with questions.

"Her name is Rain and she is very nice." Fox said

"We should meet her!" Lilli said "I have to go home for dinner now but tomorrow we should meet her! You should bring her here and we can play tag and coloring and catch! It'll be fun!" Lilli said, and they agreed.

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