Part 4

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The next day Lilli went to the Museum of Magnilus, she wanted to see pictures of those beautiful beings again, find out the name of the woman she had seen, and understand why no one spoke to her and why she hadn't gotten a reply to the simple question she'd asked.

She walked down an aisle that had images of them and even found a picture of the beautiful woman she had met the day before, her name was Audrey Valeri Carmella Magnilus, quite a mouthful in her opinion. She now understood why the woman hadn't said her name. It was soooooooo long and difficult to say that she probably couldn't pronounce it correctly herself.

Then she walked into a hallway that had their history on the walls. Starting from the sun and it's daughter, then Ms.Sun's marriage, she and her husband creating a city for their children, the way the social classes were created, all until today.

She entered a room. This one was about their powers. And they were amazing powers. The power of fire, of water, of weather, of ice, of wind, of earth, of plants, of stars, and many more.

She went into another room, this one had pictures of the current Magnilus and their status.

'Elizabeth Mary Victoria Magnilus, controls the wind, is the sole protector of the city from major natural disasters.' Said one of the plates, another had 'William Jonathan Bernard Magnilus, controller of the planets and stars, makes sure that the sun doesn't go out and that the earth keeps spinning on it's axes.' And in another one was written ' Melisa Genevieve Gabriela Magnilus, ruler of the truth, knows the truth and has the sole purpose of judge of any court and of punishing those who go against the law'.

She was going to go into another room when 3 beings surrounded her. They were small and bright, they were colorful and smiling, and they were mysteriously surrounding her. They were her definition of fun.

"Who are you?" One asked.

"What's your name?" Another asked.

"Why are you here?" The third asked.

"I'm a female homosapien." She said, copying the way her brother would present himself "Born and raised in Cripple Creek, I love to dance, play, and sing. My name is Lilli Smith. I'm in this world because it's the only one humans can survive in that has been discovered. I'm in Peculiorbis because of my mother's work. I'm in the museum because I wanted to gain knowledge and understand the reason for the odd way in which the people reacted to the way I acted and the reason the Magnilus I met wouldn't tell me her name. I'm in this room because of everything I said before plus the fact that you are surrounding me and it would be disrespectful to walk away. Now let's go play ok?" She ended with her own twist.

"We can play." Said one of them.

"We are Parvulus." Said another.

"We live to play." Said the third.

"My name is Fox." Said the girl with blond hair, freckles, and green eyes.

"My name is Raven." Said the girl with light brown skin, wavy black hair that reached her waist, and brown eyes.

"And I'm Flower." Said the boy with straight hair that was in between red and orange.

"We'll show you around, come on." Said Fox.

They went to town and played. They played hopscotch, jump rope, and tag, coloring, hide and seek, and capture the flag. They played every day for 3 months and then school came and stopped the fun.

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