Part 7

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She wrote a letter to the Magnilus clerk asking that he and one other Magnilus meet her in the park at a certain time.

She waited in the park until they came and as soon as the clerk and one other Magnilus sat on the park bench she started talking.

"I thank you two for coming here and hearing me out. I know you have lots of things to do. Now onto the point." I said "I'm seeing human beings being mistreated, my friend turned to nothing and no one is doing anything about it. I decided to talk to a Magnilus because they seemed to be the source of the problem. Did you have any idea this was happening?"

"Of course. We know everything. And you shouldn't have befriended them, for your life is about to be destroyed because of it." Said the Magnilus.

The next day a Magnilus invaded her school and tormented her, just because she had asked for a meeting in which she defied a Magnilus.

But she didn't stop, Lilli started rallies and started speaking against Parvulus mistreatment. The walls and barriers that had been built were broken by her, the questions that were banished were shouted by her, and the powerless souls that were called Parvulus were given hope of freedom and human rights.

Magnilus went after her and tried to destroy her but they couldn't reach her for barricades of people and Parvulus who had once honored them, now were disgusted by them.

Parvulus used their simple powers such as extreme happiness, super speed sewing, and magical baking to fight the Magnilus off.

There was no way for the Magnilus to win and so they each went a different way. Some moved north, some moved south, some moved east, some moved west, some staid but gave up their political power, some turned themselves to dust. They each moved on from being power hungry, cruel beings, who either amazed or terrified every soul they encountered to peaceful beings who went whichever way they chose to.

Lilli and her friend didn't have to hide their friendship now, they didn't have to go to different schools or live in different parts of the city. They were all different variations of one species. Each unic in their own way.

Not the best ending but I had to finish my story by Monday if I wanted to get a good grade on this. I might edit it in the future.

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