Part 3

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They walked through the gates of the place they would soon call home, on the write there were houses and more houses all in different colors, the most powerful colors stood on the top of the small mountain and all other colors flowed down the gentle slope in a way that made it look like a rainbow had been dropped onto the mountain.

At the entrance of the town, where they had just passed, was the mall. It had supermarkets, clothing shops, bakeries, toy stores, music stores, and much more.

After the mall there was a place for culture and fun where there were movie theaters, museums, art galleries, and other such things.

After all the fun were the necessities. The hospitals and schools, the daycares and police stations, the fire departments and lawyer buildings. There you could find all you needed for the town to grow healthy and the people wise.

To the left of the mountain, and the mall, and the fun, and the necessities, there were more houses. But these ones were different.

That place didn't look like a nice village. It looked like a place for the dead, with houses of brown, dark gray, and murky green. With clouds of smoke in the sky. And factories everywhere.

But even though the place was made of gloom the people in it still had hope, happiness, and fun. They sang, and danced, and played, and learned. They jumped, and worked, and had lots of fun. The people were small and it seemed like their bodies glowed. They wear colorful clothes and braided flowers in their hair. They seemed like the most happy beings there ever existed.

But the family didn't see the town, or the mall, or the gloom, or the fun. They saw nothing but the woman who was standing in front of them.

The woman was beautiful with dark golden brown hair curled to perfection. Skin as dark as the night sky. Eyes as green and vibrant as emeralds. Perfect posture. Nails painted a deep red that seemed to crush your sole. And teeth as white as snow. She seemed to have what others might call an aura of power. Everyone knew right away that she was a Magnilus who had come from above.

A few men stared, mesmerized by her. Others bowed their heads. Kids stopped playing and came to stand with their backs straight and heads pointed her way. Everyone stared.

Well everyone except Lilli, she ran up to the woman and poked her arm instead while everyone stared at her in horror.

"You're real!" Lilli exclaimed, thinking it had been an illusion or dream before actually touching the beautiful and powerful woman.

The woman chuckled slightly.

"Lilli came back here right this moment!" Her mother had said.

But Lilli didn't listen, instead she asked "What's your name?"

The woman didn't respond but entered the bakery beside them while waving goodbye.

Everyone went back to what they were doing while the family climbed up the hill towards the champagne pink colored house.

They each felt a different way. Lilli was confused as to why her mother had screamed at her and why the strange woman didn't tell her what her name was. Violetee-their mother- was horrified that her daughter had done such a thing on their first day. Charles-their father- was indifferent and mostly thinking about the money they had and how much to put in a savings account. While Peter was annoyed that their house was up a hill and that he'd have to walk almost half a mountain every day considering he'd have to go down ¼ of the small mountain and then back up to and after school.

But even with all the thinking going on, not one mouth was open that day.

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