Part 6

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The next day when Flower, Lilli, Raven, and Fox met up there was a new person there too. Rain had dirty blond hair and brown eyes, she had a skin so pale it was almost white, and teeth that glittered like snow.

"Hy, I'm Rain." She says.

"I'm Lilli." Lilli replied excitedly.

"I'm Flower, I believe we have English together." Said Flower.

"I'm Raven." Raven said boldly.

They played hide and seek for a while and then sat down in a circle and played a card game.

That's when it happened.

A Magnilus came up to them. He was tall, had slick brown hair, his blue eyes sparkled, and his "aura of power" was strong.

He came up to Fox and while Fox was extremely scared and her friends scared for her, Lilli had no idea why.

The Magnilus smirked and pointed at Fox.

"You." Is all he said.

Fox whimpered. And then she started to disappear, well not really disappear, more of turn into dust and sparkles and then have her powder fly away.

She was gone forever and the Magnilus walked away.

Rain hiccuped and cried. Raven's lip trembled and tears filled up her eyes. Flower was pale and trembling. Lilli had practically gone into shock.

Why had that Magnilus been so cruel? Why? Why? Why?-was all that went on in Lilli's head.

She had known the Parvulus were mistreated, that some people thought of them as a lower class or were scared of them, but that Magnilus seemed to have done it for fun.

She had to do something.

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