Are you lying to me

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Kageyama POV

I woke up today knowing I wanted to go someplace far away I can't get that image out of my head just seeing tuskishima kiss Hinata on his forehead is irritating I know he didn't kiss him on the lips or anything but it just bothersome he's my boyfriend his mine he doesn't belong to anybody else

I went to the dining hall wanting to eat breakfast majority of the people were already there The managers prepared food for us
they get up earlier than us I kind of feel bad yachi looks like a complete mess I bet she was still tired

I got a nice helping of eggs with bacon and of course some pancakes on the side not knowing where to sit I glance around the room
I see kunimi and kindaichi sitting down at an empty table

"Hey guys is this seat taken"
"No, you can have it"
I sit down next to kindaichi looking at what he was eating was nothing but just a piece of toast sometimes I wish he would eat more it's not healthy for him to skip meals like that

"Yeah Kageyama"
" Why are you only eating a piece of toast"
"I'm-not hungry"
" liar you always do this even back when we were kids you would skip breakfast all the time  you need to stop doing that"

"I know Force of habit I guess"
I got up to go grab an extra plate since all he was eating his toast he just put the toast on a Napkin kindaichi looks scared as if I was going to do something he probably thought I was irritated and left

"here have some of my breakfast"
"Kageyama this is to much this is your breakfast you should eat it"
" But you're more important"

Kindaichi was blushing a lot did I say something to make him feel embarrassed I kind of bad if I did

........wait a minute did I just flirt with him— is that considered flirting.....shit I hope I didn't sound weird I need to fix this

"you know since you're my friend and everything"
"Yeah of course"

We sat in silence for a couple of seconds before kunimi spoke up

"well this is Conversation seems to be going nowhere"
"Way to point out the obvious kunim"
"Well that's what I'm here for you're welcome^^"

Hinata walked into the dining hall I didn't even want to Face him I felt as if it was best not to talk to him for now I just wish I didn't have to deal with this man it's such a chore why can't he just listen to me sometimes

"So while I was gone what did you guys talk about anything interesting happen"
"What so something happened"
"...I guess"
"Ok well what happened"

I wasn't quite comfortable with telling kunimi about the situation I know he would say it's dumb and that I should just express my feeling and tell Hinata about what I saw

The thing is I know if I do talk about it I'm going to get more irritated than I am right now and I don't want to blow up in Hinata's face

"It's nothing really"
"Come on I wasn't born yesterday if it's nothing then you wouldn't be hiding it like this"
"Ok fine I'll tell you"
"Kageyama are you sure"

Me and kindaichi told kunimi everything that happened that day and why I was acting so weird today let's just say kunimi didn't take it well he seemed so infuriated with my actions

"Ok so you telling me that you didn't intervene whatsoever even though he is your boyfriend you're also angry that tuskishima kissed Hinata on his forehead... is that it is that the whole summary"
"Yup pretty much"
"Ok well I'm just going to tell you a few things you're an absolute idiot he most likely only did that so those two cunt heads that were harassing Hinata could leave him alone"
"I know but I can't help but be angry"

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