01 | they're gone

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Prologue Last Part

When Oliver awoke, he was confronted with a blinding light. Making him shiver.

Doctors had to rush him into the emergency department of the hospital, where his wife had previously been. Alive.

When he awoke, the Doctors intended to contact his family.

Oliver took in his surroundings after finally adjusting to the brightness of the room. When he realized it wasn't all a dream, tears welled up again in his eyes.

He wanted nothing more than to be released from the hospital. Reaching over, he pressed the button on the side of the bed, and in rushed the doctor.

"Oh, Mr. Raines, you're awake," Dr. Smith exclaimed, walking over to a chair and taking a seat. The doctor were surprised that he awoke so early; the panic attack had taken a heavy toll on his body.

Oliver didn't bother responding, instead stared blankly at the walls. He was clearly exhausted, both physically and emotionally.

"Sir, I'm deeply sorry for your loss. Because your mother was the only person on your emergency contact list, I called her. She stated that she is currently on her way with your children." The doctor advised.

No response. The doctor realized that Oliver may have preferred to be alone.

So, with one last sympathetic look, Dr. Smith exited the room.

Oliver rolled onto his side and let out desperate cries. He knew that telling his children what had happened would break them, just as it had broken him. So once they arrived, he would have to be strong for their sake.

He went numb after crying until he couldn't anymore. Oliver felt he deserved not to be sad.

Knowing that if he drove faster, the love of his life might not be gone. Riley would not want him to think it's his fault, but he can't help himself.

He feels like he took away their children's mother, and just thinking about it broke him even more.

Slowly, he began to fall asleep, but the door swinging open caused his eyes to widen. His mother and children arrived. The two toddlers, asleep in their older brother's arms.


When Archer saw his father, he stuttered. Everyone in the room was taken aback by Oliver's bloodshot eyes, messy hair, and tear-stained cheeks.

"Hey guys," Oliver said sadly. His voice was nearly gone.

Lucy, Oliver's mother, dashed over and cupped his face in her hands. "Oh no, honey, what happened?"

Oliver shook his head, wanting to escape his mother's grasp. She was a good grandmother to his children, but she was never a good mother to him. He had forgiven her for what she had done to him, but he would never forget.

"Could you please leave the room so I can speak to my children?"

Lucy let go of Oliver, a surprised expression on her face. "Of course, of course. I'm going to take the twins to the bathroom and change their diapers. Is that okay with you?"

Oliver paused before responding. "Yes, but bring them back as soon as you're finished."

He never left her alone with the youngest because he didn't know what the lady would do.


The moment Oliver had been dreading.

"What happened, Dad? What happened to Mom? "How are you doing? What exactly is going on?" Tayler kept asking questions.

"Could you please come over here and sit?" Oliver motioned for them to join him on the bed.

They all walked over and took a seat. Worry questing in their stomach's.

"So, your mother had an accident while you were at school. She hadn't been feeling well for a while. Which I'm sure you're all aware of. Your mother was on medication... neither of us thought anything of it, but she became addicted to them. S-She had taken far too many pills, resulting in an overdose. It was too late by the time I got home and called the ambulance. They weren't able to get her heart started again. I'm so sorry."

A terrifying silence filled the air as Oliver searched for any sign of emotion on his son's face. They were soon all in tears.

Seeing his children in pain hurt his heart. Especially since there was nothing he could do about it.

Tayler abruptly pulled away from the huddled. "What do we tell the twins? They wouldn't understand because they are only one year olds."

Oliver had no idea what he was going to say to the two toddlers. Tayler was right. The pure, innocent souls would not comprehend anything. They would, however, notice their mother's absence.

"I don't know yet. I know they won't understand, but they will notice she's gone."

Kyler and Liam both nodded in agreement.

"What happened to Grandma and the twins? Shouldn't they have returned by now?" Archer spoke up, perplexed as to why his grandmother hadn't yet returned with his younger siblings.

Oliver felt sick to his stomach. He had a bad feeling. Surely, his children were safe... right?

"Can you sit here while I go look for them? Please?"

They all nodded, their eyes wide with concern.

Oliver jumped out of the hospital bed and walked out into the hallway.

He looked around, expecting to see his mother, but he didn't.

People came out of the restroom and passed Oliver as his eyes searched the waiting room, but his mother never did. Oliver dashed over to the only doctor he could find in the room. He tapped the woman on the shoulder.

She immediately looked up from her book and smiled. "Hello, my name is Dr. Green, and how may I assist you today?"

"My mother took my children to the bathroom around 12:30," Oliver said, looking up at the clock in the room, which read 12:50 before returning his gaze to Dr. Green. "It's 12:50 and she still hasn't returned."

The woman's smile quickly turned into a concerned expression. "I can call security if you want, or we can go back and check the security cameras?"

"Would you mind if we did both?"

The terror Oliver felt was indescribable, but the expression on his face said it all.

Dr. Green gave a nod. "Of course, yes. I'll contact security, and we'll go to the office to inspect the security cameras."

Oliver trailed behind her as she began to lead the way to the office.

When Dr. Green arrived at the office, she unlocked the door and led Oliver into a room filled with screens.

"So this is where our security cameras are kept, and you mentioned she left around 12:30, correct?"

Oliver nodded in agreement. "Right!"

Fear flashed through Oliver's mind as she pulled up the footage. Are his children safe? Please be fine, they must be fine!

At least, that's what he assumed.

Finally, Dr.Green was able to access the cameras located directly in the waiting room. Where you can get a good look at who is going in and out of the restroom.

Oliver kept a close eye on the screen. His gaze was drawn to a spot in the room where he saw his mother leaving the bathroom with his toddlers and exiting the building.

His heart sank.

"You must contact the police. Please, she took my children." Oliver's voice broke, and he was on the verge of another mental breakdown.

Dr. Green wasted no time in calling the police and re-contacting the hospital's security team.

Oliver refused to wait until they arrived, so he dashed out of the room and into the waiting room.

Getting through the hospital doors.
He looked around the parking lot and couldn't find them. The police arrived just as he turned to look around the other side of the building.

They, being them, informed Oliver that he was not permitted to assist in the search and was instructed to remain with his other children while they worked.

He objected, but it had no effect on their decision.

Returning to the building. Oliver was confronted by his sons. Their eyes welled up with tears.

At this point, it appeared that the entire world was conspiring against the Raines family. Their mother, wife, had died, and now the family's babies were taken away from them.

"Where are Delilah and Luca, Dad?" Tayler questioned, his voice cracking in the mid of his sentence.

As he replied, Oliver couldn't bring himself to look up at his son. "She tool them. The police are currently searching. I'm truly sorry, guys. I would change it if I could."

Hearing this broke their hearts. Was this really how things were going to end?

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