04 | pain

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Oliver sat in the car for quite some time after arriving at the police station. He found the entire situation to be far too surreal. After awhile of overthinking, he got out of the car and entered the building.

He came into contact with an elderly lady while walking in. Her face lit up as she turned to face him. "Oh, my. Is that you, Oliver?"

Oliver immediately nodded, hoping she knew anything about the twins. "Yes."

"All right, follow me this way."

He didn't bother questioning her.

Oliver's hand became sweaty as they walked down the long corridor lined with rooms.

The lady then abruptly came to a halt in front of a room with rainbows all on the door; he turned to her and asked, "Are they in there?" His voice was trembling.

The lady nodded, knowing exactly how he felt. Unfortunately, she went through something similar herself.

"Yes, the cops are in there with them. They have some questions they would like to ask you."

Oliver simply nodded, unable to fully grasp what was happening.

"It's all right, take your time. Inhale and exhale."

Oliver closed his eyes and exhaled deeply. Surprisingly, it helped.

He mustered the courage to open the door and enter.

His eyes widened when he noticed a couch across from him where the twins were sleeping. Oliver's eyes welled up with tears.

As he attempted to get closer to Delilah and Luca. Two cops stepped in front of him, blocking his path. "Are you Oliver Raines, sir?"

Oliver nodded looking at the cops. Before speaking, he wiped the tears that had fallen down his cheek "I am, yes. I heard you would like to ask me a few questions."

"Yes, but you are not required to respond right now. If you prefer, you can go sit with your children or answer the questions first. Whatever you believe to be the better option for you."

Oliver knew he wouldn't let go of his babies once they were in his arms.

"I'll start with the questions," he said. The cops nodded and pulled out a chair for him to sit in while they went to the other side of the table and sat.

"So, first and foremost, let us introduce ourselves," James said. "I am James and this," motioning to the woman seated beside him, "is Lorraine."

Oliver nodded.

"Alright, let's begin."

Following that, every single thing the cops explained to Oliver broke his heart. He couldn't help but let tears fall knowing that while he was at home burying himself in work, day and night. His children were being abused and mistreated by someone he thought he could trust not to harm them.

Of course, pain is a part of life, but this was cruel. The cops told him that they couldn't find Lucy, but they wouldn't give up looking for her. Oliver was certain that if she came across him, he would kill her with his bare hands.

219 words
hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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