New York

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What's happening? Why is my head aching like hell? Where am I? I wake up with a start. I rub the sleep off my eyes, and yet I find gloomy. I try to sit on the bed and after a small struggle I sit. I am dead-thirsty. I look around for a water bottle. I sip water from the bottle kept on the table placed next to the bed. I empty the bottle, and yet, I am thirsty. I place my foot on the floor, it is ice-cold. It sends shivers throughout my body. Somehow, I manage to stand on the floor and slowly I pace my steps in search of water. The first room to my right luckily is, the kitchen and I drink a glass of water and I trace my steps back to bed.

What the F! How come a white-coloured pillow turned blood-red overnight? What happened to me? I am startled and shocked equally. I place my left palm over my head, trace back till my neck, and bring it front to find that I am bleeding. I look around to spot any intruder—I am a black belt holder in Karate—there's none. The next minute I decide to call an emergency. I look for my mobile phone on the bed, under the pillow and the table. I am unable to find it. I double-check the cupboard for my mobile phone, tablet and smartwatch; I find neither of them. It puzzles me and I ask myself a question, what the hell happened to me?

I have no answer. In fact, there's no one at home to answer my questions and put an end to my wavering thoughts. But...but, but, whose clothes are in the wardrobe? That too...female clothes, I am confused. I try to picture the face of the female inside my head, my head aches badly. The sparkling led lights to my left catches my attention and the blurred photographs hanging on the wall. I run towards the wall to be surprised by the notes: "#ashangi", "Ashok <3 Tangi" and "Happily Married!"

"Tangi... Tangi" I repeat her name and take a closer look at her face: her innocent big eyes reflect her heart that screams to be loved till eternity. The perfectly crafted nose, pale pink lips much like a rosebud, completes her face that shimmers in joy in the photo. God must have put in all His skills to create her, I thought. I lose myself in her eyes for a couple of minutes.

"Where's she? Is she alright? Or someone kidnapped her after beating me to death?" Many thoughts rise inside my head. I look for the wall clock to check the time. I see a digital clock on the front wall above the door. I read the time aloud.

It is 01/01/20 10:10:10" The urge of finding her increases my heartbeat rate. I rush to the door. I twist the doorknob and pull it open. I fail miserably. The door is locked and I do not know where the keys are. Though the memory has failed me, my instincts alarm inside to do something to find her. I look for an option to get out of the house, but I am unable to find an escape. Once again, I survey the house and pin down to French windows that could be broken easily. I grab a chair from the living room and break the window with five ferocious and futile attempts. I jump outside through the window only to be slipped on the floor.

I am hurt again. This time, my right hand is aching like hell with a bad headache. I slowly move myself into a comfortable position. I hear a voice from downstairs, "What the hell happened, Ashok?"

He rushes up the stairs, startled he asks, "Holy Shit, what happened to your head?"

"Thanks for asking. My memory has failed me. I am unable to remember anything that happened in the past months...and you are?" I ask, taking pause in between for breaths.

"This is Marco. I am your neighbour and buddy. Where's Tangi? Tangi..." He shouts holding my hand, helping me to get up.

"Tangi..." My lips curve without my knowledge when I whisper her name. I ask, "Who's Tangi? Who's #ashangi? Why does that name have so much impact on me?"

"God, this is some serious shit... as far as I know you guys were planning for a New Year bash with your friends. Did you give her a ring?"

"My mobile phone, tablet and smartwatch are missing. And I do not remember her mobile phone number either." I give a blank look after getting up. "Everything is in the right place inside the house except for the missing items. This is bad." Tears build up in my eyes as I murmur. On noticing the tears, Marco gives me a hug.

"Fishy...maybe, this is a planned execution. Lemme call 911." Marco says and helps me get into his house and drink a glass of water.

To Be Continued... 💜

Makkalae... Happy to come up with this story and, I hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much I did when I penned it.

Story Eppadi Pogudhu? What do you expect to happen next? Please comment your thoughts.

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