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*Tracy is still alive in this*

Theo and Liam have been secretly dating for a few months now, the two decided to keep it a secret because the pack was still a little skeptical of Theo.

Everything's been going smoothly accept for when Liam's wolf seems to have strange urges to be near him. It's out of no where and it's a little unfortunate because of their situation.

Today, Liam was in the library for study haul when he started to get one of these urges. He packed up his books and his laptop and rushed out of the library.

He made his way down the hall that seemed to be going on forever. Finally, he made it to Theo's class and stood outside of the door way.

When he looked in he saw something that made his blood boil.

He saw Theo holding his hand up to Tracy's small, slim one comparing hand sizes. Tracy was smiling and blushing like crazy. She leaned forward and whispered something in his ear that apparently was incredibly funny because Theo started cracking up.

Liam watched and started to get angrier and angrier by the second. His eyes started to glow when he saw her push some of his hair out of his face.

Liam was starting to lose control as his wolf was screaming "Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!"

He wanted to run in there and slam Tracy's head against the table but he knew that wouldn't do any good. He clenched his fist watching the two talk and giggle. His hands started to bleed from his claws piercing his palms.

Then he saw Theo and Tracy look at each other confused. That's when Liam realized that they could probably smell his blood so he rushed his way to the side of the doorway right as they looked up. Luckily, neither of them saw him because when he used his hearing he heard Theo ask, "Who's blood is that?"

Then he heard Theo's sweet, deep voice again.

"Excuse me, can I use the bathroom?"

Liam's eyes widened. He ran down the hall to get to the big doors but he seemed to be running forever down an endless hall.

"Liam? Hey Liam!" He heard Theo call as he ran through the big doors. Liam wasn't in control so he needed to get out of the building as fast as possible.

He ignored Theo's calls and ran out of the building. He hid his scent, and ran all the way to the animal clinic. He pushed the door open and ran inside.

Deaton came around the corner with a confused stare as he saw Liam in full werewolf form. "I need help... I-I can't control it!" Liam roared out.  Deaton rushed him to the back and grabbed a small bit of mountain ash.

"Stay still, I'm gonna lock you in so you don't try to hurt anyone." Deaton said. Liam just nodded staying as still as possible. The urge to go to Theo becoming so strong he wanted to rip his skin off.

Deaton closed him in a circle of mountain ash and went to grab another small bottle. He went up to the circle prison of ash that Liam stood in and pulled out another dust like substance. Deaton pulled some out and blew it in Liam's face.

Liam immediately felt his wolf calm down as he breathed in the strange dust.

Finally, about 5 minutes later Liam looked back to normal but he felt like he had been drugged. His head was spinning and he felt loopy.

"Now, what happened?" Deaton asked.

"I don't know, recent..recently my wolf has been having these weird urges to go see Theo..." Liam slurred out.

"Theo? Why, Theo?" Deaton asked, extremely confused.

"He and I have been dating and in love for a while now...." Liam said slowly with a sheepish grin and a weird slow giggle.

Deaton wasn't surprised but he was curious to know what he had to do with Liam and his loss of control.

"But, today... I got one of those urges. So I went to see him but he was with that stupid Tracy girl and they seemed too close for my liking..." Liam trailed off looking at the floor. "....too close." He whispered.

"Hmm. Well Liam, it seems you've found your mate." Deaton said.

"Good'ay mate!" Liam laughed out.

Deaton rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Okay, you need rest. C'mon, let's go lay down." Deaton said breaking the ash barrier and helping Liam to the couch in his office.

"Don't let Theo find me... he's gonna... he's gonna..." Liam tried to say, feeling extremely tired. Deaton smiled again. He waited until he could see that the beta was for sure asleep then left the office turning the light off.

About two hours later, a very distressed looking Theo barged into the animal clinic. "Hello." Deaton said with a straight face, focusing on keeping his heart rate steady. He knew that Theo would ask for Liam and Liam didn't want Theo to find him so Deaton wasn't about to give him up.  "Uh hi, have you seen Liam lately?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm afraid I haven't, have you tried Scott's house?" Deaton asked trying to find a way to get Theo to leave as soon as possible.

"Yes, I've looked every where. This is the last place I can think he would be." Theo said running a hand through his hair.

"Well I haven't seen him." Deaton said keeping his heart rate steady.

"I don't understand... why won't he answer his phone? Why did he leave school in the first place?" Theo said more to himself than Deaton.

Deaton smiled and said, "I think you should go home and get some rest, if Liam isn't back by morning then come back to me and I'll help you find him."

Theo looked up at him biting his nail. He sighed. "Okay, I guess your right. Will you call me if you hear from him?" Theo asked.

"Yes, I promise." Deaton said.

"I don't know what happened..."

Thiam OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now