Seperation Anxiety

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Theo and Liam have been married for 3 years now. They got out of high school about 7 years ago. After the Ghost Riders and the Anuk-ite, Liam and Theo were inseparable. The two started having strange feelings for each other.

They started dating a year after the Anuk-ite and got married 3 years later.

After two years of dating, the two became aware that they were mates. Neither of them were complaining. They left beacon hills not long after the two started dating.

Their life consists of Theo being a bartender and Liam being a lacrosse coach for the high school they lived by.

Liam loves teaching lacrosse. Theo, however, doesn't love bartending but he doesn't know what he wants to do with his life yet. Liam is always encouraging him to look for new jobs if he doesn't like bartending but Theo just says "bartending is fine, for now" with a reassuring smile.

Liam just wants Theo to be happy.

Being mates and living together for so long has effected both boys in mostly good ways, but some bad.

With Liam being the only person to ever truly understand Theo, giving him the time of day, being his mate, and living with him for so long has given Theo some serious separation anxiety.

Theo is fine when they have to go to work but when he doesn't sleep next to Liam he gets terrible nightmares, and when Liam's gone longer than 24 hours his wolf starts to go mad. Well technically his coyote, but that's besides the point. It's like Theo has the physical urge to be near him.

They don't normally spend time apart so when they do it hits Theo hard.

Liam's POV:
I'm incredibly excited for this week because I'm taking the lacrosse boys to their first out of state tournament! We've all been preparing for months and we finally had the budget to get a bus and hotel for the tournament.

I was excited but also quite sad to leave Theo behind. I asked him to come but when he asked his boss for a week off from work he said no.

I don't like leaving Theo for too long because I'm his anchor and he is mine, we need each other to stay in control. I also get pretty rowdy at the games.

Not only am I afraid of us losing control without each other, but also for Theo's well-being. I always worry about him while I'm gone, 24/7. But I just have to remember that he will be fine.

The last time I went away like this, I came back in the middle of the night and he had had a terrible nightmare. I never wanted to leave his side again. I still don't. We are married after all.

But I can't pass this opportunity so I'm going to make sure I can do what ever it takes for Theo to be ok while I'm away.


I woke up wrapped in Theo's strong arms. My eyes adjusted to the light before I flipped around in Theo's arms. He was already awake, staring at me.

I smiled up at him, I saw him blush then stuff his head into the crook of my neck. I laughed a little, loving the effect I still had on him. I grabbed the side of his face and started to stroke a spot behind his ears that I've learned makes him relax.

"So...." I said staring at the ceiling tapping the spot on his head.

"Yeah?" He said in a deep morning voice that was muffled with my shoulder.

"I'm leaving tomorrow, are you sure your going to be okay while I'm gone?" I asked.

Theo sighed.

"Yeah, I just wish I could go with you." He said sadly pulling his head out of my neck.

I frowned at him and slid up into a sitting position. He followed after me and I climbed into his lap.

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