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Liam's POV:

This morning, Theo was acting strange. He woke up and hardly spoke to me.

He had a nightmare last night so I knew he would be on edge today but he was acting different from how he normally does after a nightmare.

He didn't eat anything so I made sure to pack extra food for him for lunch.

I gave him a kiss and it seemed to slow his heart when it was pounding in the truck when we pulled into the school. I asked him what was wrong and he said that it didn't matter and he had to get to class.

I've been thinking about him all morning. I didn't see him after first, so that made me think he might've skipped. But, I was wrong. I caught his scent coming from the bathroom when I walked by.

I went to second and couldn't get him off my mind.

I didn't see him after second so I knew something was very wrong.

I am now sitting in third period, very bored, and very worried about Theo. He always says I'm an overprotective boyfriend, but I don't really care. At least it shows I care about his well-being.

I raised my hand and when the teacher called on me I asked to use the restroom.

The teacher said yes, so I stood up and walked out of the classroom.

I walked down the long halls until I got to the AP Biology classroom.

I stood outside by the door and poked my head around the corner.

I saw Theo sitting with his forehead rested on the desk.

I frowned at the site of my poor boy.

I thought about ways I could get his attention, then remembered he could hear me if I whispered.

"Theo...." I said quietly.

And as I suspected, his head shot up. He looked around until his eyes landed on me.

I waved slightly at him with a small smile.

"You okay?" He mouthed.

"Yes, but can you come out here?" I whispered.

He nodded slightly before raising his hand.

"Bathroom?" Theo asked.

He looked so tired.

The teacher nodded back at Theo and Theo stood up. He walked out the door to me.

I grabbed his hand and lead him to a unisex bathroom.

I locked the door and wrapped my arms around him tightly.

I don't know why, but I really felt worried about him. All day. I just needed to know he was okay.

"Woah, you alright?" Theo asked, taken back by my sudden hug.

He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just... for some reason, have been really worried about you all day. I just need to know that your alright." I said quietly, looking into his eyes.

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