Jealousy 2

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"I don't know what happened..." Theo said as he left the clinic. He walked back to his truck and started to drive back home.

About an hour after Theo left, Liam walked out of the office looking very sleepy.

"Well hello, I was just about to come and wake you up." Deaton smiled.

"What happened?" Liam asked rubbing his forehead.

"You lost control at school so you came here. I used a sedative to calm you down because it didn't seem like a mantra would work this time. You said something about 'Theo and a stupid Tracy girl' at school and you lost control." Deaton explained.

Liam then remembered all the things he saw them doing in the classroom and his blood started to boil again.

Deaton saw his angry expression and hurried to shut down his jealous thoughts.

"He came in here about an hour ago looking for you, I didn't tell him you were here because you asked me not to tell him right before you fell asleep." Deaton said.

"He seemed to be searching for you all day, so I told him to go home and if you weren't back by morning he could come to me and I would help him find you." Deaton said. Liam looked up at him and said, "Thank you."

Deaton nodded in response. "He seems to really care about you Liam, a lot more than you may think. So don't let Tracy fill your mind with doubts. Besides, you two are more than just dating..." Deaton said, trying his best to reassure Liam.

Liam looked at him confused. "What do you mean more than dating?" He asked.

"It's a long story for another time, but right now you need to go home and help relax your worried boyfriend before he goes on another killing spree." Deaton said.

"He's not like that anymore..." Liam said with a small smile.

"I know, now go to him." Deaton said smiling back at Liam.

Liam left the clinic and ran back to his house. He saw Theo's truck in the driveway so he knew he was home.

Liam walked in through the door immediately hearing fast and heavy footprints coming from his room.

Liam smiled to himself remembering how Theo paced in circles when he was worried.

Liam walked up the stairs and made his way slowly to his room. His head wandered to today at school, and what he saw. Theo looked genuinely happy and that made Liam's heart flutter but also clench because it wasn't him who was making the boy happy, it was a psychotic girl with a lizard tail.

Liam frowned as he turned the door knob to his room. He pushed the door open slowly and leaned against the door way. He saw Theo pacing back and forth, not even realizing Liam was there.

"hey.." Liam said in a small voice.

Theo looked up and practically leaped towards Liam.

"Oh god Liam! Where have you been?! I've been looking for you all day! You weren't answering your phone! I thought you were in trouble! Why the hell were you ignoring me at school today?! Why'd you leave in the first place?" Theo rushed out grabbing Liam's face and examining it for wounds.

"I'm fine, don't worry about it." Liam said with a shrug pulling Theo's hands away from his face. Liam frowned again making his way to the bed, ready to fall back asleep.

"Seriously!? Your just gonna go to bed after disappearing for an entire day without leaving one text or calling?!?" Theo yelled.

Liam jumped slightly at his raised voice, as he started to get angry.

"You seemed to be having a lot of fun without me so why do you even care?!" Liam yelled back.

Theo stood there in shock staring blankly at Liam.

"Li, what are you talking about?" Theo asked looking very confused.

Liam scoffed and rolled his eyes.

Liam closed his eyes and took a deep breathe before saying, "I wanted to see you so I went to your class. I saw you with Tracy, Theo. And for some weird reason it made me lose control. I went to the animal clinic and Deaton helped me calm down and I fell asleep there until about 20 minutes ago. But I'm here now and I'm fine, and you don't have to keep pretending. If you want to be with Tracy I understand." Liam said looking down.

To say Theo was shocked was an understatement. He couldn't believe the words that just came out of Liam's mouth. He couldn't find the words to say, he was speechless.

When Liam didn't hear a reply he took it as Theo choosing Tracy. He sighed, wanting to cry and be left  alone.

"It's fine Theo, just let me go to bed and I'll leave you alone from now o-" but before Liam could finish, his lips were being pressed against Theo's. Hard.

Theo opened his mouth and used his tongue to pry open Liam's as he slid his tongue in Liam's mouth.
Theo grabbed Liam's waist and pulled him against his body. He bent down and tapped Liam's thighs to signal he wanted him to jump.

Liam jumped up wrapping his legs around Theo's waist and put his hands in Theo's hair, pulling at the strands.

They made out like this in the middle of Liam's room for about 5 minutes, but it felt much longer to them.

Liam pulled away and just stared at Theo like he wanted to cry. Theo gave him a sympathetic look.

"Baby, Tracy is like my only other friend. I have her in that class and she knows I'm gay and I could NEVER think of her like that. You have absolutely NOTHING to worry about. I don't think I could ever leave you even if I tried. My wolf is obsessed and so am I, it keeps getting these weird urges like I have to be near you and I don't really understand why but it's never happened with anyone else before. I need you because your the only one who never gave up on me. I mean, I literally went out of my mind today! I wouldn't do that for anyone else. Jesus I thought you were in trouble and I didn't know what to think. Just don't get mad like that and leave, talk to me. I'll always understand, love." Theo said calmly.

He walked them over to Liam's bed and sat down with Liam in his lap.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten jealous. I just hate it when people touch you, and I also have been getting weird urges to be near you." Liam said with a confused tone.

"Oh well, I guess your stuck with me." Theo said with a smirk as he flipped them over on the bed so that Liam was lying underneath Theo.

Liam giggled. Which resulted in Theo peppering his face in little kisses, until they started to get slow moving down his jaw to his neck.

Theo left multiple open mouth kisses down Liam's neck. Theo heard Liam giggle again so he roughly started to peck his cheek saying "Mine!" In between each peck.

"Okayyy, okayyy!" Liam said laughing. Theo looked down at him with a fond smile and said, "okay, baby. Let's go to bed."

The two layed down together in a comfortable position and were on the verge of sleep when Theo said something.

"I think I wanna tell people about us... if it's ok with you." He said.

Liam looked over at him, then lunged towards his face returning his kiss attack. He pecked every inch of Theo's face as Theo's face scrunched up.

"Of course it's okay, T. I just want u to be happy!" Liam said as if it was obvious.

Theo smiled even more and put his head in Liam's neck ready for sleep to take over his body.

"I love you, Li." Theo mumbled.

"I love you more, T." Liam mumbled back, rubbing his face into Theo's hair.

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