Love Language

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Liam and Theo have been dating for about two years now. After the ghost riders and the Anuk-ite, the two have been inseparable.

Theo became super protective over Liam after the Anuk-ite. He's always been protective but ever since then he doesn't let Liam fight anything alone.

He always tells Liam, "It's me and you together, always." And of course Liam rolls his eyes at Theo's cheesiness, but inside Liam's exploding with fireworks.

Liam practically knows everything about Theo, and Theo knows practically everything about Liam. Theo knows what goes through Liam's mind when he gets angry, and Liam knows everything about Theo's past.

But one thing Liam's learned about Theo surprised him a lot more than the rest. He figured out that Theo's love language is touch.

And it's not just little touches, it's constantly touching. Which for Liam, isn't that bad because he enjoys the feeling, and it helps him stay grounded. Theo is his anchor after all.

He noticed it a while back but of course never says anything about it. He finds it cute. Theo touches Liam to show him how much he loves him and Liam try's to touch him to show him his love as well because he just wants Theo to feel loved. Liam knows Theo hasn't really ever had that.

But Theo has bad days, like really bad days. He'll wake up and he will put his walls up around everyone but Liam. He's a little bitter on these days but what Liam has noticed is when he touches Liam it seems to help him out tremendously.

So when ever Theo wakes up and has bad days Liam will do one of two things, sometimes he'll do both depending on how upset Theo is.

He will either take his and Theo's shirts off and just lay on top of him, or let Theo lay on top of him, or give him a long hug. Really any kind of skin to skin contact makes Theo feel better.

Or he will let Theo stay in bed while he rubs Theo's back and try's to talk to him as much as possible.

The second option doesn't seem to work as well as the first but sometimes Theo won't want to move so he won't be able to get the skin to skin contact with him.

On these bad days, Theo won't eat, won't talk to really anyone unless he absolutely has to, and when he does it's usually snarky, or rude.

Liam try's to help as much as possible but he always feels like he isn't doing what Theo needs.

Liam's POV:
Today, Theo was having a really bad day. But we had to meet Scott at the hospital because his mom was in an accident that involved a wendigo.

Scott refused to leave the hospital so we were all told to go there for the pack meeting.

This was not going to help Theo in any way possible because pretty much all his nightmares take place there.

I asked Derek if Theo could stay home for it and he said it was fine but Theo refused to let me go alone.

Theo woke up and when he had these bad days all he has to do is give me a look, it was sort of an annoyed look with a hint of pain. It broke my heart to see, but he was just grateful I understood instead of him having to talk about it. I sat up when I saw him.

Theo gave me that look, and I gave him a sad smile. He closed his eyes before scooting closer into my lap. He put his head on my leg, nuzzling his face into my hip.

"Bad day?" I asked in a whisper.

Theo just nodded, not looking up from my lap.

"Okay, well we have to get up in about an hour to go to the hospital, baby." I said.

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