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The pack has been fighting off hunters for about 2 hours now. Everyone was giving out. Their bodies too tired to focus.

Scott told everyone to make a run for the elevator when he gets it open. He got away from the hunters and hit the button. It only took a couple seconds to open.

He roared to signal that it was open. 

Every pack member started to make their way to the open doors. They started to close as each member slid in. Theo was the last to slide in as the doors fully shut.

Malia hit the down button and the elevator started it's way down.

"Everyone okay?" Scott asked.

"Yeah." Everyone said in unison.

"Wait." Theo said.

"Where's Liam?!"
Back upstairs:

Liam was stuck between two hunters. He was mostly dodging their punches and stabs because his body was giving out. He punched one in the face knocking him out. The other was getting up when Liam turned around. The hunter stood up in front of the beta.

He had a gun.

Liam ducked and ran down the hospital halls as the hunter shot at him. He ran until he got to the stairs. He shoved the door open and climbed down the stairs as fast as he could.
Meanwhile in the elevator:
Theo started to freak out.

"We left him?" Theo growled.

"Go back up!" Theo yelled.

Scott was quick to change the direction of the elevator. He wanted Liam safe just as much as Theo did.

The elevator came to a stop at the second floor before going back up to the third. They rode in terrifying silence hearing the gunshots from upstairs.

It only took about 30 more seconds before the doors opened. The pack ran out of the elevator to find no Liam. All they saw was the bloody mess of wounded hunters that they had made earlier.

"LIAM!" Theo called.

He ran down the hall a bit but couldn't find his boy.

"Where could he be?" Theo asked walking up to Scott.

"Theo relax, he's probably fine." Scott said uncertainly.

"He's gone! What if they got him and they are taking him to Monroe right now? They'll torture him, Scott! Don't you get that?" Theo yelled.

"We have to find him!" Theo yelled again.

"Okay, everyone split up. We aren't leaving until we find Liam." Scott yelled.
1st floor:
Liam ran through the first floor halls looking for Scott or Theo or anyone. The hunter wasn't far behind him so he had to get out of there.

He ran through the hall until he was at the emergency exit doors. He pushed them open and ran into the parking lot. The hunter was right on his tail. When he looked back at the building, he saw the hunter walk through the door.

The hunter started to run towards Liam so Liam ran into the woods nearby.
Theo and the pack had been searching the hospital for about ten minutes now. They turned the entire place upside down looking for the beta. But he was no where to be seen.

Theo was losing his mind. His boyfriend could be getting tortured right now and he was wandering around a hospital.

"Scott! He's not hear! We need to go out and search for him! Go to the hunter base or something!" Theo yelled.

"Yeah he's not here. We would be able to smell him." Malia said running up to the boys out of breath.

"But, we also can't smell any of his blood. At least we know he's not bleeding out." Scott said trying to reassure the chimera.

"He could be! It could just be masked by the smell of all the other blood that's in this hospital! It's practically a blood bath up there! They could have knocked him out!" Theo exclaimed.

"I know, Theo. But all we can do right now is slow down and think. We don't know where they could have taken him. If we stop and think for a second and wait for the others we might end up with a plan." Scott explained.

Theo pulled at his hair before scoffing and sitting in one of the waiting room chairs.
In the woods:
Liam ducked behind a tree trying to be as quiet as possible. The hunter slowly walked through the wooded area searching the place for the beta.

"I know your here you little monster." He laughed out manically.

Liam closed his eyes and tried to calm down. He was so tired but he needed to save his strength so he could at least get away from this guy. He didn't have enough energy to fight him.

"I'm gonna put a bullet, right between your eyes. It's yellow wolfs bane, too." The hunter said.

"Once I kill you, all the rest will come straight to us. We all know who you are Liam. Your the beta. The worst pain we can cause Scott McCall is the death of his precious beta." The hunter laughed.

Liam was filled with worry and anger.

The hunter jumped behind trees aiming the gun at the space ready to fire. He was approaching the tree Liam was behind.

"Your death would cause the most pain. It would be my honor to be the reason for your kind to suffer." The hunter said before jumping in front of Liam with the gun pointed directly at him.

"Found ya." The hunter said with an evil look.

Liam used his last bit of strength to push the gun to the side of his head. He punched the hunters side over and over again. They weren't hard punches but it was enough to keep the hunter from shooting him in the head.

The hunter shoved Liam to the ground. Liam jumped up and punched him in the jaw. The hunter stumbled back into a tree to regain his balance.

The hunter grunted in annoyance trying to pop his jaw back in place.

"Heh, you thought killing me would be easy?" Liam said out of breath.

The hunter pushed himself off the tree and back to his feet as Liam retracted his claws.

"Bring it on big guy." Liam growled, his eyes glowing.
In the waiting room:
The rest of the pack was finally all downstairs and they made their way out of the hospital. They split up into their cars and drove back to Scott's house.

They all arrived and went inside.

"So, Scott. What's the plan? I'm not waiting any longer, because as long as we are here, those hunters have my boyfriend doing who knows what to him!" Theo yelled.

"We'll get him back." Scott said.
In the woods:
Liam launched at the hunter. He swung his claws as they grazed his stomach. The hunter kicked Liam back against the tree. He held the gun up, but Liam head butted the hunter before he got the chance to aim it at his head.

The hunter stumbled back grabbing his head. Liam couldn't fight any more so he took this opportunity to run. He ran out of the woods and down the street past the hospital.

The closest house was Scott's so that's exactly where he planned to go....

Thiam OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now