Claude x Seme mute reader x Anastacius: Childhood

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Manga/Manhwa: Who made me a princess

Type: Childhood

Plot: The Emperor of (Empire name) came to make a contract with the Obelia Empire. The Crown Prince was also with him.

⚠️ Warning: I haven't watched/read the whole thing, so sorry if it's OOC, or weird. This contains gay content, and some contain lime/lemon/smut and colorful language.

This is not a part two to Claude x Seme mute reader x Anastacius since it's in the past, so this will just be a thing itself, but you can always think it's a part two I don't care.

FYI: your last name should be the same as the Empire name. In this story, Claude will be a missing prince, he was cared for when he was found later. But Anastacius thought he was trying to steal the crown, and that's how he rebelled so that's why Anastacius is still a villain in Claude x Seme mute reader x Anastacius.

"Hand-signed talking or on paper."

Some stories are too long to load all at once, look for the "End/To be continued..." to know when the story has or has not been fully loaded.


"The Emperor of (Empire name), and the Crown Prince (Y/n) (L/n), has arrived!" (Y/n) looked out at the scenery of the Obelia empire. The Emperor (L/n) reached for (Y/n), who accepted the hand.

Jumping off the carriage, (Y/n) looked around. Servants of the Obelia palace were at the entrance greeting them. Holding his father's hand tighter, (Y/n) felt scared, he has never seen so many strangers before. His father looked down at the uncomfortable expression on his son's face, he knelt to (Y/n)'s height.

"You are going to be okay! My brave son, everything will be okay, there's no need to be scared." (Y/n) looked at the hand gestures made by his father and felt better, his grip relaxed as he took those words into his heart.

The father and son duo walked into the palace. When they arrived (Y/n) looked at the giant door. When the knights opened the heavy-looking door. (Y/n) felt his breath stop. Liquid golden hair, and blue jewel eyes, or the royals, the sun hitting the hair making them shine brighter, almost looking white.

Jewel blue crashed with (e/c). Anastacius looked at the shorter child and smiled warmly. (Y/n)'s father patted (Y/n)'s head and let the latter know what he's done. (Y/n) let go of his father's hand and the two adults sat down at a nearby table watching the interactions between the two.

"Hello!" Anastacius said, his eyes turned into crescents, looking very welcoming. But, (Y/n) didn't know that. He didn't know the other well enough, for reasons he thought that was more of a threat than a greeting. (Y/n)'s father called Anastacius over to tell him about (Y/n)'s situation.

"So that's why he looks scared... How do I talk to him then?" Anastacius asked, (Y/n)'s father smiled and took out a sheet of paper and a pen. "Here, write down what you want to say and show it to him."

Anastacius took the paper and thanked the adult. Walking back to (Y/n) he wrote down his greeting. "Hello! Sorry if I scared you." Giving (Y/n) the paper the latter looked over the sheet. Looking up at the other, a faint smile appeared on (Y/n) face.

The adults watched as the two kids played around. "Anastacius, (Y/n)'s father, and I have some business to take care of, you two can play outside." (Y/n) nodded. Anastacius lead (Y/n) out to the garden. The two played around for a bit until Anastacius had to go somewhere. Somewhere (Y/n) wasn't sure.

But leaving the mute boy alone was a big mistake. (Y/n) felt someone watching him. Boring holes into his body. But he couldn't see anyone, he looked through the bushes, behind the trees and bushes, but he couldn't find anything. Deciding to just leave the spot since he was so scared, (Y/n) walked towards the garden's entrance.

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