Tighnari x male reader

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Game: Genshin Impact

Plot: Hiding your injuries from Tighnari under the excuse of not cleaning yourself up properly after a snack in the middle of the forest.

⚠️ Warning: I haven't watched/read the whole thing, so sorry if it's OOC, or weird. This contains gay content, and some contain lime/lemon/smut and colorful language.


"Tighnari! I finished cleaning...the dead zone!" (Y/n) yelled as he ran towards the small village. Jumping from branch to branch (Y/n) landed in front of the door where Tighnari most likely was.

"(Y/n), you need to quiet down, Collie is resting." Tighnari scolded him, "Also, it's called the weathering zone if you forgot again. I wonder how you even remember my name at times." Tighnari's ears twitched as he smelled the faint scent of blood from (Y/n)'s body. "What did you eat this time for a snack? Another alligator? The scent is oddly strong." From his knowledge (Y/n) usually likes to eat a snack every time after clearing a withering zone, he doesn't mind or care.

(Y/n) smiled, "Yup! Sorry, I'll take a shower now!" (Y/n) walked away but because he wasn't paying attention he fell to the ground. "Ack!" Tighnari flinched as he ran up to help (Y/n). Hand on the other's waist (Y/n) stabilized himself and apologized, running away into the back of the hill they were facing into a small private pond somewhere.


"Of course!"

Still smelling the blood Tighnari checked his own body to ensure he wasn't hurt somewhere without his acknowledgment. Touching his exposed left arm to check for any broken bones Tighnari was surprised to see a blood stain left behind by the glove. Doing it again there was another stain. Gliding to the pond below the tree branch Tighnari washed his hands and arms watching as the blood sank into the water and mixed into the mud.

He didn't feel anything when touching (Y/n)'s waist so the wound either had to be above or below where he held. It was no wonder why (Y/n) tripped on the smooth platform. Looking down, Tighnari noticed a slight red mark, confirming his thoughts about what happened. Walking out he tried to follow the blood but it was already faint.

"Where's (Y/n)?" Tighnari asked one of the forest rangers around. After getting a direction Tighnari walked towards the pond where (Y/n) was. But before Tighnari could get too close he heard (Y/n) arguing with someone.

"I'd rather deny the feelings than face it at face value!" (Y/n) screamed at the person, his voice cracking. Tighnari peeked from behind the tree as he looked at the other man (Y/n) who was talking to. He tried to at least, but because of the angle, he could only see (Y/n) with his crossed arms. He was angry.

"Okay! Well at least tell him about your injuries!" the other man yelled back, "You can't just stand there with a blood pool in your shoe and say you're fine! UGH! Oh my archons I'm gonna slap you, but I have to go, some kid needs my help with studying for the academy"

"All right then, I'll rant to you later." (Y/n) said sitting down on a log of wood.

"There you are." Tighnari walked out of his hidden spot pretending as if he didn't hear the entire conversation. It did bring him some curiosity as to who (Y/n) has a crush though. (Y/n)'s neck looked back so fast TIghnari half expected it to fall off.

"W-what do you need to master Tighanri?" (Y/n) asked as he stood up properly to greet his superior.

"Since when did you start to call me that?" One of Tighnari's ears flopped down showing his confusion. (Y/n)'s eyes also cast up looking at the two fluffy things on TIghnari's head. It was too cute for him to be able to handle. But since Tighnari doesn't allow anyone to touch them (Y/n) had no hope.

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