Neuvillette x Criminal male x Wriothesley, part 1

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Game: Genshin

Plot: criminal commits more crimes~

⚠️ Warning: I haven't watched/read the whole thing, so sorry if it's OOC, or weird. This contains gay content, and some contain lime/lemon/smut and colorful language. Do not apply the character's actions to real life, consequences will not be my fault.

Some stories may not load all the way, search for the "To be continued" or "End" at the end of the stories to get the full thing.


(Y/n) looked up at the judge named Neuvillette, a hint of ignorance through his eyes as the guards took him away. His eyes held a hint of mischief and he laughed, once again writing something down in a notebook.

"Silence!" Neuvillette yelled, annoyance in his eyes as his words were being ignored. "I question the validity and credibility of the evidence presented. Have you taken him to find a professional opinion?" (Y/n)'s lawyer pleaded for the account of insanity which doesn't make him a good fit in prison. It will cause the other prisoners to probably feel extremely uncomfortable with someone as insane as (Y/n) around. Neuvillette didn't seem amused with the plead, he seemed rather agitated with only this specific criminal.

Turns out, it wasn't that good of an argument as (Y/n) was sent to prison at the infamous prison, Fortress of Meropide. Honestly, he was rather excited. The stories he has heard of this place were unbeknownst to others. (Y/n) looked around the rooftop and ceilings, he continued to look around, following someone by the name of Wriothesley.

Of course (Y/n) knew who he was, he was just pretending to not know as he didn't bring up his job here in the prison. 'Why didn't he bring up his status as Duke?' (Y/n) thought looking around following behind the vision bearer.

'The fuck does he want?'

(Y/n) was led to his room, he would be starting training the next day, and it gave him plenty of time to think about it.

"Haha, perhaps Neuvillette wants to confirm the insanity plea for himself? He does work closely with the Duke right?" (Y/n) laughed to himself, fully aware of the person eavesdropping at the end of the hall. His laughter echoed through the circular tube causing passersby to become unsettled. Soon (Y/n) looked down at his bed. He couldn't remember if there was a curfew here or not, he wasn't paying attention, and from all the things he had seen prisoners were not allowed to be outside.

It's not like he cares.

Walking up the stairs inside his room (Y/n) walked down the halls (if you could even call it that). Going into the working location observed many of the machines that were being unused. It was past midnight again.

There was a sense of calmness in his eyes, absorbing the world surrounding him with such detail an artist would be put to shame.

"What a put such a good machine under the ground." (Y/n) looked down at the lower floor with a shallow smile on his face.

"What are you trying to do awake at such late times?"

"Ahh Duke, how honorable for you to catch me at such breaking times." (Y/n) smiled before it immediately faded, "How sad of me to be caught right after the entire Fountain was submerged in water. I must ask how the science of that works, it confuses me to this day unless..." (Y/n) began a seemingly endless mumbling.

"Or rather, how that boat was able" (Y/n) questioned, a mere smile given. "Do you have a chalkboard, Duke? For I must figure at least one thing out tonight." There didn't seem to be an irrefutable response to Wriothesley. Without speaking another word he walked back into his room without a single glance back.

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