Lelouch Lamperouge x male reader

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Anime: Code Geass

Plot: During basic training, the coach directed mini battle sessions, (Y/n) was paired up with Lelouch.

Details: high school AU
Lelouch and (Y/n) are already in a relationship, 18, senior
Lelouch lives separately from his royal family and wants nothing to do with them, he has his living apartment. His parents are trying to get him back.
He is on the student council

Kinks: bondage, public sex, punishment, master

⚠️ Warning: I haven't watched/read the whole thing, so sorry if it's OOC, or weird. This contains gay content, and some contain lime/lemon/smut and colorful language.

(Y/n) looked away from his textbook as the bell rang telling them class had ended. He put everything inside his backpack and left the classroom excited to head to the gym next. Lelouch was in that class with him and usually, they pair up for any partner's activities.

He was walking beside the windows not paying attention to anyone who was in front of him as his eyes were glued to the bird next to one of the branches. Suddenly he bumped into someone making him back away and looked up wanting to say sorry. "Oh sorry... Lelouch? I thought you were in class already."

He was somewhat surprised to see his darling waiting for him. Lelouch just chuckled looking at the male in the eyes, "Of course, I waited, missed you even more than usual today." People can see the love in his eyes as he looks at (Y/n) while walking down to the changing room talking about random stuff that has happened today.

Arriving at the changing room (Y/n) started to strip himself to change into his gym clothes. They got pretty lucky that their lockers were near each other and could continue their small conversation. Lelouch glanced at (Y/n)'s chest wanting to squeeze the soft-looking flesh there.

But before he could take action a t-shirt was already pulled down and the uniform jacket was on. Lelouch can only gulp as (Y/n) took off his pants getting them into the proper shorts provided. (Y/n) glanced at Lelouch, who hasn't moved for a bit. The others only had their shirts off and needed to change fully so the teacher didn't get mad.

"You should change, time is running out~" (Y/n) teased as he left the room, and only a few seconds after the bell sounded making Lelouch bolt out of the room and out onto the fields. Good thing the teacher was gone before he came out. "Took you a bit." (Y/n) said, nudging Lelouch in his arms.

"Class today we will be blah blah blah..." The teacher's voice faded as the students spread out doing what they wanted. There was different equipment out for them to mess around with and all they needed was to put them back in their place after being done using it.

Some of the girls were talking with each other, playing around, or just watching the guys play around. (Y/n) looked around as he picked up a football and started playing with some of his other friends in the class. Glancing back he told Lelouch to come to join them in the game. (A/n: doesn't have to be football, I just picked it because I liked it, can be running, soccer, etc.)

An hour flew by just like that. (Y/n) lifted the hem of his shirt lifting it to his face to wipe the sweat off his face. The weather was extremely hot today, you can feel the heat radiating off of the concrete floor. Some of the girls screamed when they saw this and it only got louder when they saw Lelouch pull down the shirt covering '(Y/n)s stomach again.

(Y/n) looked confused then smirked when he saw the girls facing them. "Are you jealous?" He whispered to Lelouch's ear as they walked he slightly chuckled. After changing back (Y/n) walked back home with Lelouch, gym was their last class of the day and since Lelouch's home was closer (Y/n) chose to go there to get clean faster.

Anime Male x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now