Chapter 1: The Begining

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I was taken out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. Slowly getting up I walk over to the door opening it to reveal Ethan Winters, my best friend.
"Hey E, what's up?"
I could see a look on his face that I couldn't make out before he started to talk.
"It's Mia", he whispered, "she contacted me, told me to come pick her up from a Farm in Louisiana."
I stared at him for a moment in thought. Ethan has been my best friend for years. I've been by his side since before Mia and with him when Mia went missing. Honestly, I've always had the biggest crush on him but always knew he didn't see me that way.
"Well I'm coming with you to get her." I said looking straight into his eyes.
He looked shocked before saying, "but what if it's dangerous?"
"Even better because if you think I'm going to let you do something stupid without me you are very wrong my friend" I said smiling up at him.
"Ok well I already packed my things, just wanted to tell you where I would be but since you want to come you should quickly pack your things."
Soon I was packing a duffle bag full of clothes wonder what trouble we may get ourselves into while there.
Time skipppp
We pulled up to this creepy looking swamp that smelt awful. I stared at Ethan trying to read his face. From what I could tell he was nervous, and angry, but happy at the same time. I sighed getting out of the car wondering how life would be having Mia back.
'I should have told him I liked him when I had the chance years ago' I thought to myself. I was staring off into the distance in thought when suddenly I had fingers in front of my face snapping.
"Hey did you hear me?"
"Um...sorry what did you say?"
"I said 'man this is one welcoming place'" he chuckled quietly after saying that.
"Well I mean if it wasn't for the stench I'd say this place was ok" I giggled with him slowly walking forward.
When we moved forward we saw a van.
"Hm looks like someone was recording a video....and didn't leave?" I turned to Ethan, "I'm going to say this now if crazy shit happens to us I am 100% yelling 'I told you so'."
"Nothing is going to happen this looks fine it's just a van maybe it's the owners." I stared at him giving a 'are you serious look' as he shrugged and continued on.
This time we saw a man. I froze as I watched him walk away. I grabbed Ethans hand, nervous about what may or may not happen. What I didn't see was Ethan look down at me and then to our hands with a slight blush on his face. We walked forward cautiously but didn't see the man so continued forward at a somewhat normal pace. Because I'm gorilla gripping Ethans hand I had to pick up my pace to stick with him.
"Oh, oh god I think I'm gunna be sick"
I moved my free hand to cover my nose due to the stench of the rotting cow legs hanging in the shape of a giant wreath.
"Oh my god....y/n if you want to turn ba-"
"Woah woah I still need to say 'I told you so' mister and I'm not leaving you to do this alone. Now I maybe stupid for doing this and not turning back but I'm not leaving you"
He slowly nodded to me before going under the wreath. We saw a bunch of dead crows on the floor.
'Hm these poor crows. I wonder how this happened to them' I frowned as I continued looking at them but felt my left hand being squeezed.
"Hey we'll be ok I promise. I won't let anything happen to you ok?"
"Ok, and the same goes for you. I can't live in an Ethanless world" I giggled while he chuckled after I said that.
We hoped down from a cliff, Ethan catching me to make sure I don't get hurt. I walked around him picking up a purse.
"Hey this is Mia's. I wonder how it got out here....and why it doesn't look super dirty?"
"Then that's proof she's in here right?"
"I guess"
Ethan grabbed my hand again as we got ready to going into the rotting house before us.
'Well shit I'm in for a party now aren't I"

*first chapter! I hope that you guys like it I don't know what the upload schedule will look like but I'll upload as much as I can :)*

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