31. Loving You Had Consequences

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"What do you mean you're sorry..." Theo's eyebrows furrowed deeply as he watched Aurora staring back at him with tears in her eyes. He looked down to the ring box he was holding in his hand and snapped it shut before standing. She was making a fool out of him.

"I can't marry you." Aurora told him. She took in a deep breath and crossed her arms over her chest. Taking a calculated step back as Theo's face contorted in anger, rage building behind his eyes.

"You have to understand, Theo," Aurora began, "You just told me that all of your friends are getting married, and you don't want to be left out!" She exclaimed, her voice steadily rising in volume as she spoke.

"No, that's not why I want to bloody marry you, Aurora! I told you I want you to have my children, grow old with you..." Theo reached forward, his hands wrapping around her shoulders as he tugged her closer to him.

Aurora shook her head. "Theo... We've only been together for a few months. This is all way too fast for me." She was back to whispering now. A part of her was a bit frightened by his behavior. She had never seen him get this angry before and she was not appreciating the way his hands were squeezing her.

"So what? People fall in love quickly all the time, right?"

Aurora nodded. "T-they do." She was finally able to remove his hands from her shoulders and took another few steps back. "But I'm so sorry, Theo..."

"It's him, isn't it?" He scoffed.

"What? Who?"

At this exact moment, Aurora was praying she could really sell the part of being dumb. She knew exactly who he was talking about. Who else could it be?

"Don't play dumb, Aurora."


"Theo, look," The brunette sighed deeply as she raked her fingers through her hair – something she found she did when she was anxious. And right now she was anxious.

"I care about you. Truly, I do." Aurora found herself walking over to the armchair by the window and sat herself down on top of her feet. "But I'm not in love with you."

Theo rolled his eyes and stalked over to Aurora again, "So these past few months have meant nothing to you? For fucking bloody sake, Aurora, do you know what I did for you?"

She could tell his temper was rising again. She wasn't sure what he was insinuating, but she didn't like it.

"What did you do for me, Theo?"

"I played into the whole giving up magic thing! Now do not get me wrong, I enjoy the muggle world, but you took it one step too far. I mean, you don't even bloody have your wand! What is there was an emergency and you needed it?"

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