15. Gotta Start Somewhere

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When Aurora's eyes fluttered open after trying her best to ignore the hot sun piercing her skin, she had to think for a moment about her surroundings. "Where the hell am I?" She groaned, shifting to the side a bit, her body sore from sleeping on a hard floor.

She had a blanket wrapped around her body, but she didn't remember falling asleep with it. "Why the hell am I on the floor?" She asked herself out loud, shifting to sit up before she saw George sitting on the armchair with two mugs of steaming hot tea in his hands. He was grinning widely down at Aurora, watching her wake up a bit confused. Godric, she is bloody adorable. He thought to himself, moving to lean forward and hand her one of the mugs.

"Good Morning."

"Why am I on the floor? Why didn't you pick me up and put me in your bloody bed?" She groaned, though a small smile was forming on her lips as she took a sip of the tea. The hot ceramic felt nice in her hands. It was certainly helping with waking her up. She had always been a terrible, deep sleeper.

"I passed out at the same time you did, don't think I just left you on the floor alone!" George rolled his eyes, taking a sip of his own mug of tea before shifting himself to sit on the floor in front of her. "Did you sleep ok? Now you're making me feel bad that I didn't move us to the bedroom." George smirked, nudging her foot with his.

"I slept fine but my back is just a bit sore...but that's ok. Trust me, I've slept in worst conditions than cuddled up on a floor with my best friends' brother." She sighed, chewing on her lower lip before looking down into the mug. She was starting to blush and was slightly embarrassed by initiating the kind of contact they had last night.

"Do you regret last night?" He seemed genuinely concerned that she was regretting kissing him and that was killing him.

"No!" She shook her head and now moved to her knees as she set the mug down. Her hands reached forward and gently swept a few strands of his hair off from his forehead. "Not at all." She whispered, leaning down and pressing her lips against his forehead. She just could not stop herself. She was craving his touch. What the bloody hell has gotten into her? She had no clue.

George let his eyes flutter shut as the sudden touch of her fingertips and then her lips against his forehead. "I'm sorry. I just... I wanted to check. I know we had been drinking. I didn't want you to feel as though I forced you to do anything you didn't want to." George told her, his hands moving on their own accord now. He gently brushed along the sides of her thighs, a smile forming on his lips as he noticed her visibly shiver at his touch. His hands soon found their way to her hips, tugging her closer to him, helping her straddle his waist. She obliged and didn't put up a fight. Her hands moving to settle against his chest as she looked down at her with her big blue eyes. Those eyes would be the death of him. Now with the morning sun shining brightly into the room and landing on them, her eyes were the brightest he had ever seen them. Truly mesmerizing.

"George," She began, a hint of doubt could be heard in her voice as she started to play with the collar of his shirt. "We should talk about this. About us." She cleared her throat, "I'm not looking to, uh," She started fumbling with her words. She was starting to panic. Would he laugh at her trying to say she just wanted to be friends...who maybe kissed a little? Maybe he didn't want the same thing. Maybe he kissed her back because he felt bad that she technically offered herself up as his birthday present. "I don't want a relationship. At least not right now. I'm really enjoying our time together, George," She leaned forward and pecked his forehead again. "And I know we're both working on ourselves. And I don't want any kind of label to add on anymore stress than we can both handle."

George stayed silent, his hands staying firm on her hips. His thumbs brushed back and forth, over her shirt, against her sides. He could see the way her eyes darted from side to side, taking in all of him – trying to read him. He did his best to keep his face indifferent. "Rory, relax." He let a smile form on his lips. His hands moved to her back, gently rubbing circles as they moved to tangle in the ends of her hair. "I don't want to label...this. Us. I mean, I know that you know...there is an us." He said softly, a smile forming on his lips as he leaned up and pecked a soft kiss to the tip of her nose. "We can be friends who maybe sometimes...kiss and stuff." He shrugged, a laugh escaping from him as he looked up at her.

"Kiss and stuff?" She repeated, raising an eyebrow in the air as her head tilted to the side. "Friends who kiss. Only kiss... until I say otherwise." She said, biting on her bottom lip as she leaned back a bit, holding her hand out to him. George looked down at her hand in between them. Another laugh escaped his lips. "Merlin, is this a business deal?" He questioned, letting go of her with one hand as he moved to grasp her hand in his and give it a firm shake.

"Kissing you is certainly not business, Georgie." She told him with a grin, leaning down and pressing her lips against his own again. Aurora found herself lost in his touch again. She tried to keep the friction between them at a minimum, her hands grasping onto his shoulders to keep her steady in his lap. They had both been so wrapped up in each other that neither of them heard the floo roar to life. What finally caused them to pull apart, and sudden enough that George practically shoved Aurora off of his lap and to the ground as he stared up at Ginny and Ron standing before the fireplace.

Ron stood there in silence, looking absolutely mortified. Ginny, on the other hand, had a large grin on her face as she bounced on her heels. "Bloody hell!" She exclaimed, covering her mouth and pointing to the ground at her brother and best friend. "I knew it! Did you spend the night you little minx?!"

Aurora's face was beet red now, her eyes glancing between all three Weasley siblings before she pushed herself up off the ground. She would have to remember to give George a good punch, or something, for throwing her off of his lap so quickly. "Strictly innocent!" Aurora almost shouted, shaking her head as she looked at Ginny. George soon pulled himself up to stand beside Aurora. "No funny business, I swear it." George moved to make an 'x' shape over his chest and held a hand up as if swearing an oath in front of the Wizengamot.

Ginny pouted. "Oh... boo. You're both boring." She sighed, moving to set a small box down before wrapping her arms around George. "Happy Birthday."

Ron was still standing by the fireplace, a bit mortified to have floo'd into his brothers living room while he was snogging and groping at Aurora. His cheeks were still a faint shade of red, though he soon pulled himself out of it and hugged his brother after Ginny stepped over to Aurora. They were all going to see each other later at the Burrow for dinner, but they had wanted to stop by and give George a present without the prying eyes of their other family members. "Sorry for intruding..." Ron said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head as he plopped down onto the couch.

"You weren't intruding." George and Aurora both spoke up at the same time, smiling at each other. George moved to sit beside his brother as Aurora moved to gather the glasses from both last night and this morning and bringing them out in the kitchen. Ginny, of course, followed her. "Not intruding?" She repeated, eyeing her friend from the side of the sink as she leaned against the counter.

Aurora let out a soft sigh, washing the cups and setting them in the drying rack. "Fine. You intruded." She said, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked over at her best friend. "Before you floo to your parents and tell your Mum, take a deep breath." Aurora laughed softly, chewing on her bottom lip. "We're not together. Just friends. Who kiss? Sometimes?" She shrugged her shoulders, watching the look of pure amusement wash over Ginny's features. Aurora was almost regretting getting into this little agreement with George. How were they going to explain this to other people? She didn't want to be looked at as if she was a woman of loose morals... Well, she sort of was a woman of loose morals. Or at least had been before.

"Well, you've got to start somewhere."

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