Trouble's Brewing

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"I thought you knew everything there was to know about that?" I ask puzzled as he was acting so cocky before about the rumours.

"Well it's like you said, the blogs and magazines have it all wrong. I like to get to know my employees, so if you would like to prove me wrong, why don't you tell me the story" he laughs.

I decide to give up and tell him the story, I mean there's not much he could do with that information.

"My fathers own a huge company and he always kept pushing me to get married even if I didn't know the guy. He says it's because he didn't have a son so he needs to have a good guy to take over the company in the future. My parents were only able to have me before my mother couldn't have children anymore. So when I told him I could take over the company he laughed in my face and told me he would never hand it over to me" It feels good to be able to finally tell someone that story and get the stress of the feelings I have about it off my chest.

"Wow, your father sounds like a douche. I always knew I didn't like how he went about things in his business, something always seemed to be off about it. Now I know he's not someone I would like to work with" he answers.

"What do you mean something seemed off about it?" I ask curiously.

"Well, he had proposed a deal some time ago, back when my dad was still the head of the company when this place was still really small. He tried swindling my dad out of his money but luckily I was there to help him get out of a bad deal and I was saved my place as he future head here"

"I never knew he tried making a deal with you" I admit.

"Yeah, but it was a long time ago" he laughs, "I don't like to deal unfairly like that. I have a reputation to uphold after all"

I hear my phone go off in my pocket and Natsu grabs the papers from the top of my desk and puts them in his office. While he is out of the room I check my phone and see that my mom has transferred the money into my account now. I send a quick thank you text and put my phone away and on silent.


A couple of hours later, I have seemed to get the hang of this work and I don't seem to have any problems. I do my work at my desk and Natsu seems to be working in his office. I guess it's going to take some getting used to working here since the glass wall in his office makes sure that he can see me at all times But when he needs his privacy there are blinds that can be pulled down to block the view into his office.

I look around the room quickly and get a glimpse out the window and see that the view really is breathtaking from this floor. I seem to get a quick moment of excitement which I try to contain. I actually made it here, I work for the CEO of Dragneel, Natsu Dragneel himself.

I try to focus on myself and get back to work.

A few moments later I hear the door open and a girl with short white hair walks into the room. She seems shocked to see me sitting there and walks straight to Natsu's office, with a less than pleasant face.

Natsu seems surprised and angry to see her there. I try not to pay attention to their conversation but it doesn't seem to work. He's very angry at her and doesn't like the fact that she is there. I look back at my desk when I see her walking back out of his office. I don't think they noticed me watching them. I can't hear their conversation but I can see their faces through the window and I can tell they're both angry.

She walks into my office and storms of towards the door.

"I don't want to see you here ever again. I can't believe you have the nerve to show up here two months later thinking you still had your job. Besides I have no idea how you got up here in the first place" Natsu yells after her as he comes into the room.

She doesn't say anything but instead, she holds up a lanyard with an ID card just like I have. Then I realize who she must be if she has the same type of card as me, she must be his old P.A. The one who left in a hurry.

"Give me that" he shouts at her.

"Fine, you always did have a bad temper." She takes it off from around her neck and throws it on the floor. Then she looks straight at me "I hope you like working for this slave master who doesn't know how to treat anyone nicely" she warns me. I try to make it look like her comment didn't have any effect on me. But as soon as she said it I saw how Natsu flinched when he heard it. It must have hit a nerve with him, and he won't be in the best of mood for the rest of the day.

"Get out of here now, or Lucy will call security"

She then stomps off and leaves the room in a huff of anger. Natsu takes a deep breath and runs his hand through his hair and seems to be thinking hard about something. The room is silent for a couple of minutes, I think about breaking the silence with something to break the tension in the air. But I can't think of anything correct to say.

"Don't believe what she said" he seems to whisper in my direction and seems to be really frustrated. I think about what to say to help him relax and let him know that I wasn't bothered by what she said or anything.

"Don't worry, I have no reason to believe her when all you've been in kind to me and I don't know her at all" I assure him.

"Well, I thought you would have figured out the fact that she was my last assistant," he asks while still not looking me in the face.

"Yeah, I may have figured that out when I saw her drop her ID card on the ground." he then turns to me with a weak smile on his face and he seems to have been slightly cheered up. I wonder what was the issue she had with him. I mean sure it was sort of harsh when he mocked me down in the lobby but other than that he has been nothing but kind and professional towards me.

"Thanks," he says as he walks back towards his office and gets back to work. Though when I do look at him through the glass he seems to be still slightly upset. I wonder if he has had many people think of him like that around here.

I sit back down at my desk and continue to do my work.


After lunch, I hear a tapping noise on the windows and I look behind myself to see Natsu holding up a piece of paper against the window that says 'Coffee please'. I try to hold in a laugh but when he smiles at me, I can't help but let out a little laugh which seems to make him smile even more.

I go over to the corner of the room and start making him a cup of coffee. When it's done, I walk into his office and set the cup on his desk.

"Thanks," he says.

I walk out of the room after and get back to work. He seems to be in a much better mood. I guess the time he had when I was off getting lunch from a restaurant near here was good for him to get in a better mood.

When I look back down at the floor I see that the card has still been left on the floor. I decide to pick it up but as soon as I do, I feel a pair of eyes watching my every move. I look down at the card and see the name Lisanna Straus on the front of it. The photo on it is for sure the girl that was here this morning. I walk back over to my desk and throw the card into the garbage where Natsu can see that I only had the intention of throwing the card out. He seems to let it go and get back to work.

Oh my Lucy, what have you gotten yourself into. I like this job already but for some reason, I have a feeling like I never want him to be mad at me like he was at her. I don't know what it is about him but I feel like I want to do my best here and not let him down.

I really don't know what is going on around here but I'm sure I will be in for the ride of a lifetime if I stick around here.

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