Getting Comfortable

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"Oh my goodness, that is the most beautiful dress I have ever seen" Levy exclaimed excitedly.

"I know right. I can't believe that I'm the one who gets to wear it and go to this party with him" I say a little too excited which gets Levy suspicious.

"Do you have a crush on him?" she gives me a smirk.

"Uh no. I just think that it would bring my image back up since I would be seen out with him. Give the gossip and rumour blogs something else to talk about." I try to convince.

"I guess your right" she seems to be unconvinced but I let it go since she wouldn't leave it alone if I started fighting her about it now. I hang the bag with the dress in it in the closet.

"So what's it like in the big trade center?" she asks.

"Well, I have been there with my father before but I have never been to the top floors like I was today. So obviously the bottom floors were a bustle of activity but the higher you went the fewer people there were. Then I got criticized when I went into the meeting room and he had me leave. I felt kinda useless like there was no point to him bringing me there"

"I mean I guess that's understandable though" she sighs.

"Yeah, it just made me feel awful. Especially since he saved me this morning when my father dropped by asking me about the money that mum sent to my account yesterday." I inform.

"About that, I was gonna tell you that he stayed here to talk to me for a while once I got home. I didn't know he had talked to you this morning" she sighs.

"Ugh, he just won't leave me alone will he. He won't even leave my friends alone" I grunt, "So what did he want?"

"He asked me about your job, but I didn't say much. I said you had only been working there for a day and this was your second day. Other than that, I stayed quiet, since I thought you wouldn't want me to say much"

"Thanks, Levy. I appreciate having you around"

"That's what roommates and friends are for"she laughs.

"I guess I should get to bed since I have an early morning tomorrow since we stayed out of the office today" I laugh as she leaves my bedroom. I brush out my hair and get ready for bed.


I walk into the office and see Natsu sitting at his office on the phone. I decide to leave him be and go straight to my desk and get to work. He said he would have a lot of work to do since we spent the whole day out of the office yesterday. So he won't be goofing off today at all I suppose. I just don't know why he would want me to come with him to a party, I feel like if I mess up at this party he might fire me, I know he hasn't given me any reason to worry but still, he is the head of a major company. He has to make a good impression in the public eye, to give Dragneel Inc. a good name. He really nice and I don't think If I messed up he would fire me right on the spot but he does have to think about the image and it's important.

I get pulled out of my thoughts when I hear the door open and in pops in Gray. He is one of the first guys I met on my first day here. He has a really laid-back attitude but whenever he's with Natsu they seem to be friendly with each other but they tease each other, but I guess that's just guys.

"Hey, Gray" I greet him.

"Hey, Lucy. So your in the office today?" He says as he sits on the couch by the window.

"Yeah, Natsu said he didn't want to be in the office yesterday" I laugh.

"Sounds like him. He must have really wanted to apologize for what happened with Lisanna"

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