Good Timing

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"So what was he like?" My roommate Levy asks with excitement as I place a plate of mac n cheese down in front of her.

"Just like any other guy in Magnolia" I state as I wonder if many people think of him differently just because he's rich and the CEO of a company. I wonder if that's part of the reason for what happened today.

"Oh come on, you work for the richest man in all of Fiore and you shrug it off," she whines.

"No, I have to admit that it is pretty amazing working in that big office of his and the view is spectacular. But I do believe he's just like any other guy in Magnolia. A guy who's just trying to live his life the best he can"

"Fine, I get the hint. I'll drop the conversation" she sighs in defeat. We then put on a movie and sit on the couch and watch it together. "I thought you were supposed to have the interview next Tuesday though," she asks.

"Yeah, but I thought so too but then one thing led to another and I was hired" I don't want to tell her exactly what happened even though she isn't one of his coworkers, I still don't think I should go around telling people about what happened or about the drama he has with that Lisanna girl. I have no idea who she is or what happened between them but it must be serious between them for the way that they were talking to each other. He was so angry at her and his whole mood changed for the rest of the day after she came. I tried to cheer him up the best I could. I hope he's better by tomorrow.


I get ready to go to work. It's a brand new day and I still haven't been able to go shopping for better clothing so I make work with what I already have. It's almost seven which is good since I wanted to give myself plenty of time to get there.

I walk out the door and lock it. I always lock the door when I leave since Levy has an early morning job so she is out of the apartment before I am. I move to get onto work when I see a familiar vehicle pull into the parking lot. I recognize it since I used to ride in the same one, two years ago.

I walk down the stairs towards the parking lot where I see my father hop out of the back of the car. He always insists on making the chauffeur drive for him since it makes him look important and shows people that he has money. So basically what he means is it intimidates people.

"Can I help you? Or have you come to be sexist once again" I harshly spit out.

"I was just checking my bank notices and I saw that a large sum of money had been sent to your account, and I was wondering if that meant that you had given up this foolish dream of yours and decided to finally follow my advice and get married. Since I told you, you couldn't make it without the help from us." he laughs, "Now you have to borrow money from us and still live in this crappy apartment"

"For your information, I had mom send me that money with the full intent on paying her back" I spit out at him, "You never said I couldn't borrow money and then return it" I walk past him.

"Dammit, woman. Helping you behind my back when I'm trying to teach you a lesson."

"Well maybe mum and I are trying to teach you a lesson but you don't seem to understand it" I yell back at him, slightly more angry about calling mom a woman like he had no attachment to her.

"Uhh, I..." he gets cut off when I hear a car park in front of me. I turn around and see a black sports car has pulled up in front of me. In the front seat is Natsu, and he seems to be looking at my father.

"Uhh, Hi Mr.." I start.

"Call me Natsu, please Lucy" he cuts me off while not taking his eyes off of my father.

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