Keep Calm

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He excused me from the room and now I am sitting in the waiting room outside of the room. I have gotten used to the height now so I am fine sitting here. I do have some worry about why he would excuse me from the room.

I'm supposed to be his assistant though instead I just cause him problems. I have been sitting out here for a whole hour. I'm grateful for getting me out of that situation with my father but if I'm not in that room there is no need for me to be here and he brought me for no reason. I feel so useless right now.

I know I was about to cry but that is no reason to kick me out. I had just about gotten myself under control when he excused me from the room. I have seen many people walk by me now that they have started to notice me and snicker as they pass by. I don't think it's a sight you see here often when it's such a busy place. I decide to walk around the room and get myself moving and focused on something else.

I walk over to the windows and look out over the view. The ocean from this height looks like it's endless. There are ships all over the surface of the ocean and some seem to be coming into the port. All the people that are by the base of the building look like tiny ants that are going about looking for food for their colony.

I should be used to the sights of a job like this since I had always gone with my father to these types of places but I have never gone without him. I remember when I was little, I always thought my dad was the tallest thing around but now everything seems so much larger.

"Yeah, I'll see you guys later" I hear Natsu say as he leaves the room. He looks around the room looking for me, I guess. He finally looks in my direction and comes over. "Ugh, I hate meetings like that. I was starving the entire time. Let's go get something to eat" he laughs.

I follow him back into the elevator and the ride is silent once again. I feel so useless right now. I feel like I haven't done anything to help him this morning. I guess maybe my dad might have some idea what he's talking about when he says that girls can't be CEO.

When we reach the bottom once again, we step out into the busy lobby once again. Natsu grabs my hand and leads me through the lobby. I feel my cheeks begin to heat up as he leads me through. I try to calm down before we reach the door but I'm still a mess when we burst through the glass doors and leave the crowds of people.

"Let's take a walk to this great restaurant I know around here for lunch" he lets go of my hand.

I finally calm down as I follow him along the sidewalk.

"Hey, I want to apologize for Juvia, she tends to not think before he says things out loud. I hope you don't mind, I saw how you were feeling and I just got mad at them" he apologizes.

"No, don't worry. I shouldn't let them bother me. I mean they have been spreading around me ever since I left home. I should have known that rumours would start because of how well known my father is" I stutter out.

"That doesn't matter, they shouldn't believe those rumours so easily. I mean you told me when we first met that I shouldn't believe them because they don't know the full story. "he smiles at me and then we wait at the crosswalk for the light to change.

I can't explain how I'm feeling whenever I'm around him. I know I have only worked for him for a day and a half, but whenever I'm with him I can't seem to keep my heart from racing. He is one of the first people who have really believed that I know what I'm doing out here.

"Thanks" I whisper but I don't think he heard it, since he doesn't react or say anything. We enter a restaurant that seems to be cafe-style. We sit down and order some food. We don't speak for a moment but when he does speak he completely changes the subject.

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