Chapter Four: The Plate

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Eponine stayed exactly where she was until Montparnasse was out of sight. She ran her fingers through her soft, clean, well-brushed hair, which now only served as a reminder of how she'd slighted Montparnasse. Still, she had eaten nearly two full meals in the past twelve or so hours. Surely that would be enough to last her for long enough to develop some sort of a plan to get through these next two weeks.

It was not enough. Eponine wandered the streets for three days as the hunger grew worse and worse. She was used to her stomach feeling so terrible all the time, but something about having that pain relieved for just a while reminded her that the pain didn't have to be permanent. She found herself dreaming of that night at Cosette's house frequently. How loved and well-cared for she felt that night. She wanted nothing more than to return to that night and live in that bliss for the rest of her days. Still, her reality persisted, no matter how much imagining she did. Her new dress was growing dirtier and dirter by the hour, and her hair was tangling up all over again.

Eponine lied her head back against the brick wall, shutting her eyes. She began imagining Cosette's house, the morning after their dinner. What Cosette had said, about them always having a plate set for her if she needed food, still echoed in her mind. She wondered just how true it was. Surely, she thought, it was just an expression. She won't truly have a plate set for me. Though, it is nearing dinner time... It wouldn't hurt to see if they have leftovers or anything. Eponine sighed and stood up, beginning the walk to Cosette's house.

It took nearly half an hour, but Eponine now found herself standing on the Valjeans' doorstep, trying to will herself to knock. Finally, after several minutes of staring at the door, she built up the courage. With a deep breath, she tapped on the door, hoping it would be just loud enough for someone inside to hear. If not, she planned to take that as a sign to leave and find another method of eating for today. Eponine was just about to leave when Cosette opened the door, her face instantly lighting up when she saw Eponine. "Oh, Eponine! Hello!"
"Hi, Cosette," Eponine replied, forcing a smile. "I-uh-I was just wondering if, maybe, you guys had eaten dinner already, and if you had, if you have any leftovers or-or anything," Eponine stuttered out, absolutely hating having to ask for anything.

"Oh! You're in luck. You have perfect timing; we were just about to sit down to eat! Do come in." She stepped aside, waving Eponine into the house. 

Eponine, shocked by how easily she got what she asked for, listened to what Cosette said and came inside. She followed Cosette into the house, and sure enough, she wasn't lying about having a place set for her. Something about that one plate waiting for her made Eponine even happier than she'd been in years. Knowing that someone was actively waiting and hoping that she would come by was one of the best feelings in the world. She took her place at the table, where Valjean began serving her a healthy portion of food without questioning for a second why she was there. While Eponine did question for a moment whether or not this was a good idea, the second the food hit her plate, the hunger took over and she dug right in. She maintained her manners and did her best not to appear as though she hadn't eaten a bite in three straight days, but it was somewhat difficult. Valjean and Cosette began eating as well, both of them ignoring how quickly Eponine was eating.

Knowing poverty well, Valjean took about half the portion size he usually got so that he would finish before Eponine did and get seconds so Eponine wouldn't think of herself as rude for accepting more. As he was serving himself another plate, he offered some more to Eponine, who more than willingly accepted.

Dinner was much quieter that night, though Eponine didn't notice nor mind. Valjean was too focused on getting as much food into Eponine as he possibly could, while Cosette was simply happy that her friend had returned for another meal. Cosette was already cooking up excuses to get Eponine to stay for longer, since wherever she had been before clearly wasn't treating her well at all. Eponine payed no mind to what Cosette was doing, and ate a full three plates' worth of food before setting down her fork. Neither Cosette nor Valjean said a word about the amount of food Eponine ate. The closer Eponine got to finishing her meal, the more nervous Cosette got. She couldn't think up anything rational to keep Eponine with her, but she couldn't possibly allow Eponine to go back out to the streets. Finally, an idea struck her in the nick of time. Just as Eponine set her silverware down, Cosette chimed in, "Papa, Eponine and I can do the dishes tonight! If Eponine is alright with staying a bit longer, that is," Cosette added in, shooting a hopeful glance towards the no longer starving girl next to her.

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