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i froze up, i wasn't ready to meet Spring... but i did what any sane person would do

"hi pretty girl!" i said smiling at her

she looked at me and waved

Bagg was standing in the corner smiling

i didn't know what to do with her like... do i introduce my self? do i go play with her? what?

"let's go play" i said trying to grab her hand

she moved her hand

i jus wanted to say bye and walk away but she only like 3 so i tried again

she gave me her hand i went over to Dj and we played with him

"y'all hungry?" Bagg asked us

"yessss" Alexis said jumping up and down

"what you want?" he asked

"a happy meal" she said smiling

he laughed

"alr lil mama" he said grabbing his keys

"what you want?" he asked me

"umm can you go to wendy's?" i asked him

"yeah, i'll go to wendy's for us and get them mcdonald's" he said grabbing his phone

"ok baby thank you!" i said looking back at him

he left out

"ok y'all wanna watch a movie?" i asked getting up

i put Spring and Dj on the couch and sat next to them lexi had laid across

"what y'all wanna watch?" i asked

"Zootopia!" Spring said smiling

i played zootopia and like 20 minutes later Bagg
came in

i got up and and went to go help him into the kitchen

"thank you" he said putting the food on the counter

i nodded my head and put the drinks on the counter

"i just thought-" he started but i cut him off

"it's fine Mario, i know you've been wanting me to meet her... i have no problem with it" i said grabbing the happy meals

i put them on the table

i went over to the couch and grabbed Dj and sat him at the table

"yo food here Lexi" i said going back to the couch

i picked up Spring and sat her next to Dj

Bagg had brought in our food and the drinks

i sat next to Alexis

"you wanna do something tomorrow?" Bagg asked sitting down

"yeah...we can find something to do" i responded taking my food out the bag

we all finished eating and i cleaned up the food

they went back to the couch and i went in my room

i facetimed aj

"hello Ashae" he said answering the phone

"hi my loving brother" i said smiling

"what you want?" he asked

"nothing, just checking on you" i said walking in the living room

"where riah at?" i asked

"mannn her momma house" he said smacking his lips

i sat next to Alexis

"ion even wanna hear the story" i said laughing

"hi Aj!" Alexis said taking my phone

"hey lil ugly" he said sticking his tongue out

she gave me the phone back

"so rude" she said rolling her eyes

i laughed at her

"hollon this her callin me" he said hanging up

i sat back and watched the movie

Spring and Dj had fell asleep while Alexis was half sleep

"where you want them to sleep?" i asked Bagg

"they can sleep with us" he responded picking up Alexis

i really did love Bagg and Lexi bond, he treated her like she was his little sister

i picked up Dj and Spring and went into my room and laid them in the middle of the bed

i laid down next to Dj and Bagg laid next to Spring

"I love you" he said looking at me

"i love you more" i said smiling

"this could be us... let's have a baby" he said smiling

"boy go to sleep" i said turning around

we fell asleep

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