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Zaylin is now a month old and Bagg has been acting weird... i just ignore it

"hi fatman" i said picking Zay up

i took a picture of me and him and posted it

i took a picture of me and him and posted it

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liked by Jorydan._ and 6,937 others
@Ashaemonae._ love of my life
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"let's call daddy"

i grabbed my phone and facetimed Bagg

"hey baby-" i said answering the phone

Bagg baby momma, Alyssa answered the phone

"hey, where Bagg?"

"hey bitch, what you want?" she said

"i was calling for Bagg" i said

she flipped the camera and showed Bagg laying down

"AYE" Bagg said covering the camera

i hung up and put my phone down

i laid Zay next to me

i stared into space and didn't move

i snapped out of it and got up

i grabbed Zay and went into his room

i grabbed his Gucci book bag and packed some onesies, socks and, diapers

i went back into my room and laid him down

i grabbed my louis vuitton duffel bag and packed clothes

i heard Bagg running up the stairs but i just kept packing

"Shae-" he said running into the room

i ignored him and picked up Zay

"Shae baby listen to me"

i looked at him

"Ion be fuckin her"

"so why you was all in her bed Demario?"

"i was dropping Spring off"

i just looked at him

"that don't explain why yo ass was in her bed"

"ion even wanna hear it"

i grabbed our bags and went downstairs

Bagg followed us all the to my car

"leave me alone" i said opening the door

i put Zay in his seat and strapped him up

"Ashae don't leave me"

i ignored him and put the bags in the car

Bagg grabbed my arm

"come on baby, i love you and Zaylin, don't do this to me"

i looked at him

" was in her bed...i'll be back tomorrow"

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