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"MOVE DAMNNNN" Bagg yelled as i was hitting him with the balloons

"get him spring"

Spring was shooting him with the gun

T started shooting me from behind

"move i'm pregnant" i said turning around l

"ion care he gone be ight"

we were plying outside for 30 minutes then went in the house

"don't get my shit wet" i said closing the back door

i went upstairs and got in the shower

i was in there for 10 minutes and got out and put on some chill clothes

i went downstairs and felt a pain in my stomach

"the fuck papa" i said walking over to the couch

it got wet and i looked down

"BAGGGGGG" i yelled

"WHAT?" he yelled from upstairs

"MY WATER BROKE" i said trying not to panic


everybody jumped up and looked at me

"ima call momma and daddy" Aj said

"ima go get the bag" Paige said

"Dj and Spring can ride with us" Baby said

"AHHHHHH IM FINNA BE A TT" Riah said jumping up and down

"yeah yeah but i'm finna have this baby"

Bagg came running down the stairs

"come on baby" he said walking me outside

we got in my car and pulled off

"SLOW DOWN" i yelled holding onto the seat

Bagg was speeding to the hospital

"shut up"

we pulled up and he hopped out the car and went to my side to get me

"i can walk"

"yeah, yeah, bring yo ass"

we walked in and went to the front desk

"my girlfriend went in labor" Bagg said to the lady

i was took into the back room and laid down

*7 hours later*

i gave birth to a handsome baby boy, Zaylin White

"hi my love" i said smiling at him

i was holding him and Bagg and my parents walked in

"hi mommy" i said looking up

"hi" she said smiling

her and my dad went to go wash their hands at the sink

Bagg came over and kissed me on the forehead

"you ok?" he asked

i nodded

"can i hold him?" my mom asked walking over to us

i passed Zaylin to my mom and she took him

"hi fat" she said walking towards my dad

"where Aaron and them at?" i asked Bagg

"they on the way up... they went to get something to eat" he responded

he pulled a chair near the hospital bed and sat down

"he look like Aaron" my daddy said holding him

"don't wish that on my baby" i said laughing

i looked over at Bagg

"where spring?" i asked

"with Jorydan and Baby"

Aaron and them walked in

"where my neph at" he said walking in

i pointed over to my parents

he went over there

"hi shae!" Spring said walking over to me

"hey pretty girl!" i said smiling at her

the others went to go sit on the couch

my dad got up and gave the baby back to me

"we gotta go...Alexis ready to go" he said

"ok, i love y'all" i said grabbing him

they left out

"is that my brother?" Spring asked

"yeah, you wanna say hi?" i responded

she nodded her head

Bagg got up and put her on the bed

" his name is Zaylin but you can call him Zay" i said looking at her

she had a big smile on her face

"he is so cute!!" she said looking at him

"wanna hold him?" i asked

she nodded her hand

i put him in her hands and held onto them

"hi brother" she said looking down at him

i seen Bagg looking at us, it looked like his eyes was watering

"you ok?" i asked playfully

"yeah boy" he said wiping his eyes

"don't play with me" i said jumping at him

"ok i'm done now" Spring said

Bagg grabbed Zaylin and i put Spting down

"so when you gone be able to leave?" Riah asked

"a day or two" i responded

"bet, we finna dip" T said

"alr love y'all bye"

they all got up and left

"me and spring gone go home, we'll be back in the morning, i love you" Bagg said kissing my forehead

"ok, i love you too" i responded

Bagg put Zaylin in his crib and left out

20 minutes later i fell asleep

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