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"you ready?" i asked bagg

he nodded

it was lyssa baby shower and we leave in a couple days

i picked up Zay and the gift bag and went to the car

i picked up Zay and the gift bag and went to the car

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shae outfit

i put the bag on the car floor and strapped in zay

i got in the passenger seat waiting for dearra and bagg

i went on my phone scrolling through instagram

"you ready big mama?" dearra asked getting into the car

"girllllll, let somebody say something to me ima whoop they ass"

dearra laughed

a couple minutes Bagg got in the car

"where her baby shower at?" i asked

"her momma house" he responded

i nodded and went back on my phone

15 minutes later

we pulled up to this nice house

we got out the car i unstrapped zay and got him out the car

"get that bag" i said to dearra

she nodded and grabbed the bag

i put Zay down and held his hand so he can walk

we all walked in together

the backyard was pretty, it was Bee theme

as we got closer everyone slowly turned they heads towards us

Alyssa came towards us

Alyssa came towards us

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Alyssa outfit

she looked Bagg up and down and licked her lips

"congratulations" dearra said

"thank you!" she responded

"hey shae" she said smiling at me

"hey Alyssa, congratulations!" i said

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