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we made it home

we all got out the car

"make yourself at home baby cakes" i said opening the front doors

Dearra looked around and sat on the couch

"we finna go change" bagg said pulling me upstairs

we went in the room and shat the door

"what?" i asked going into the closet

"what you meant what??? she pregnant!"

"ok...we can't do anything about that, you ain't her momma"

bagg scoffed

"if it get brought up then we'll say something, other then that it's not our place"

"that is my place, that's MY god daughter"

i rolled my eyes

"ok do whatever you wanna do then"

i grabbed a dress and changed my outfit

i put on a dress and threw my hair in a bun

i put on a dress and threw my hair in a bun

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"i'm goin downstairs...let me know once you ready"

i left out the room and went downstairs

"hey girl" i said sitting next to Dearra

"hey...was y'all talking about me?" she asked

"no, it isn't our place" i responded

she tilted her head up and smiled

Dearra was only 15...her being Gotti oldest, he was protective over her...when you look at her you can see him in her

"if you don't mind me asking...did yo dad know?"

"yeah he did, he was so excited...he was also mad but mostly excited, my mom was the one who was mad... i thought she would understand sense she got pregnant with me around my age"

she dropped her head and i seen a tear drop

"hey, it's always got us, we always here for you D"

she looked up and hugged me and i hugged her back

"in 4 weeks" she said smiling

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