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"shae" Bagg said shaking me

i woke up

"huh? what?" i said jumping up

"i'm finna leave"

"where you finna go?"

"i gotta go to the studio"

i nodded and picked up Zay

"i already fed him"

"ok, thank you"

he leaned in for a kiss and i kissed him

"love you"

"love you more" he said walking out

i waited till i heard the front door shut to get up

me and Zay got up and went in the bathroom

i grabbed his Blooming baby bath

i went downstairs and went in the kitchen

i turned on the sink and waited for the sink to fill

while i waited i got on my phone

waddup ma


what you doin today?

nothin, i got the baby

come see me

boy no, i got my baby

bring him with you

bye Quentin

ima send you the address

i stopped the water and took Zay clothes off put him in the flower

"you wanna go shopping today fatman?" i said splashing the water on him

"we can go buy some new clothes and shoes, get some toys, mommy can get a new purse and then go get something to eat, just you and me today fatman"

i washed him up and washed his hair

i wrapped him up in his towel and let the water out

"let's go get you so nice and cute" i said going upstairs

we went in his room and laid him on his changing table

Que was facetiming me

i sat the phone up and answered

"hey sweetie" i said

"heyy, where you at?"

"i'm at home gettin my baby dressed" i said putting Zay diaper on

"y'all on the way?"

"i'm not bringing my son over there boy"

"girl why? where y'all finna go?"

"we about to go shopping"

i went in his drawer to get him something to wear

"bet, send me the address so i can pick y'all up"

i laughed as i was getting Zay dressed

"we ain't doin shit as long as i got him"

"what he gone do? tell his daddy?"

"nigga i'm with his daddy, we still together" i said grabbing Zay and my phone

"and like i said last night, fuck yo nigga"

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