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i woke up to Zay and Lexi walking in the room

i groaned

"we here by ourselves" Lexi said putting Zay on the bed

"y'all ate?"


i sat up and grabbed Zay

"mommy changed him?"

"yeah" she said laying on the bed

i gave him a kiss and turned on the tv

"i'm about to take a shower"

i laid zay next to Lexi and got up

i went in the bathroom and started the shower water

i got undressed and got in the shower

25 minutes later

i got out and wrapped my towel around me and went in my room

i put on lotion and deodorant then i put my under clothes on and some shorts and a jacket

i put on lotion and deodorant then i put my under clothes on and some shorts and a jacket

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i went back in the bathroom to do my facial hygiene

"come on" i said walking back into my room

"where we going?" Lexi asked getting up

"downstairs" i responded grabbing Zay and my phone

we went downstairs and sat on the couch

i turned on the tv and went to netflix

"what y'all wanna watch?"

"princes and the frog"

i nodded and turned it on

somebody knocked on the door

"who the fuck..." i mumbled getting up

i went to the door and it was Bagg

i mugged him and he smiled

"what you want?"

"i came to see my family" he responded

i rolled my eyes

"stay right there" he said

he went to his car and pulled out Channel bags, a Hermès bag, Louis Vuitton and some Children Place bags

i couldn't do anything but smile i ran outside and hugged him

"i love you shae" he said hugging me tightly

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