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me and Bagg was getting ready, it was the night we was gonna tell my parents i'm pregnant

"hurry up man" Bagg said to me

"i'm putting my shoes on damn"

we left out and got in Bagg car

"you gone say something?" i asked him

"what i got to say? ian pregnant"

i rolled my eyes

10 minutes later we pulled up, Aj, Riah, Jorydan and, Baby was already here

"why we always last" i said getting out the car

"you be taking forever to get fine"

Bagg grabbed my hand and we went up to the door

we walked in and everybody looked at us

"finally damn" my daddy said getting up

"hey daddy" i said going to hug him

"hey baby" he said hugging me

"hey Mr.Foster" Bagg said to him

"Wassup Mario" he said

they dapped eachother up and my dad went to go sit down

"come here" i said standing in front of a mirror

i took a video of me and bagg

i took a video of me and bagg

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@Ashaemonae._ forever
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"come eat" my mom said from the dining room

we all went in the dining room and sat down

"where lexi?" i asked sitting next to Bagg

"we dropped her off at nana house" Aj responded

i nodded

Bagg looked at me and i looked at him

"when you gone say it?" he whispered in my ear

"ina minute" i whispered back

we are and laugh for a couple minutes and i stood up

"thank you mommy for the food, it's so good and i love it, and thank y'all for coming" i said looking around

"i called y'all head to announce...that i'm pregnant"

my mom and dad looked at me, riah and jay were smiling while bagg, aj and, baby was still eating

"congratulations baby" my mom said smiling at me

"thank you mommy"

i smiled back at her then looked at my dad, he was smiling

"congratulations" he said with a warm smile

"thank you daddy"

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