Who is calling her? (old)

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The Chunin Exams finished and the ones she needed the most left her, all alone in despair. Her two teammates were the first ones leaving, after getting the curse mark Sasuke decided to leave the village, to betray the village, his teammates and her just to get stronger and revenge his family by killing his older brother, Itachi Uchiha.

Her heart ached that night, when she talked with him, begging him not to leave, she even suggested him to leave as well but nothing worked. Instead, she got knocked out and found herself sleeping on a bench the next morning. Her love left her that day leaving a whole in her heart.

Promising Sakura that he will bring back Sasuke at any cost, Naruto also left to get stronger. The second legendary Sannin, Jiraya took him as his apprentice in order to train him so he can protect himself against the Akatsuki and hone his abilities as a jinjuriki.

On one hand she was happy and proud of him that he wanted to get stronger, not only to get Sasuke back but also for himself, he needed to assert full control over the nine tails in order to use his abilities, but on the other hand her heart hurt. She felt useless, weak and left behind, but she knew holding him in Konoha wouldn't make him stronger. Her brother also left, this led to the second hole in her heart, it ached so bad.

He didn't even see the need to say goodbye to her before returning to the Anbu, for taking a long-term mission. Her Sensei Kakashi, the man she would need the most after her boys left, but he also chose to leave her behind.

Just her Sensei? No Kakashi was more like a father figure to Sakura after losing her parents during Orochimaru's invasion in Konoha, Sakura focused more on her team and picture the whitehaired old man more like a father then a Sensei, but probably her feelings were one sided. Again her heart arched, she lost her father and Sakura broke down, the third hole in her heart.

Her heart was broken and shattered now, Sakura felt useless, annoying, stupid and weak maybe she should give up being a kunoichi and start living like a civilian, because that is exactly what she is.

Sakura was no heir of a big and strong clan, nor did she had any special abilities, a kekkei genkai or possessed an immense amount of Chakra. But giving up remained not an option, she had to prove to everyone that even a civilian girl can turn out indeed strong.

Determined, Sakura decided to visit the fifth Hokage, Tsunade Senju and request her to be her apprentice, which she accepted, so a new chapter started in Sakura's life.

The following two years were gruesome, Tsunade's training was hard and the slug queen obtained no mercy. She would shatter Sakura's bones, heal them and pursue the intensive training just to get broken afresh. Days, weeks and months with hard and sweaty training.

But it was definitely worth it. All the rigorous training was worth it if she wanted to keep up with her boys. Still disbelieving it though, that no matter how much she will train she will reach them.

At least she was skilled enough, to manage getting the Byakugou Seal in only two years, that under no circumstances was something to be proud of, she thought. The slight purple, magnificent diamond shaped seal offers her new hope and motivation, maybe she wasn't weak at all, or at least that weak how she sees herself.

Furthermore, when her training under Tsunade was completed, she managed to absorb everything the slug princess knew, in only two years. Gradually Sakura started to gain more confidence in her strength.

She improved herself in medical Jutsu that Sakura got graded to be the Co-Director of the Konoha Hospital, which led to receiving less missions for Sakura. Bothered by this Sakura decided to have a talk with Tsunade because her personal goal was to get stronger and defend the village and the ones she loves before anyone could wound or injure them, not staying behind and healing them after something bad happened.

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