Mini skirts and High heels?

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Sakura's eyelids felt like lead, and the sun's rays bore down, intensifying the struggle to open them. Her head throbbed, still swirling with the echoes of the vivid dream she had just lived through.

Yet, there was little time for contemplation. A weight pressed down on her chest, each breath a laborious effort. After a determined battle, she finally succeeded in parting her lids, only to be met by a pair of large, obsidian-brown eyes that held an unworldly gaze.

Before her stood a sleek black cat, its fur gleaming with hints of iridescent purple. Its eyes were wide and soulful, a deep brown that seemed to hold untold mysteries. Sakura's gaze was immediately drawn to the distinctive crescent moon marking adorning the cat's forehead.

As she took in her surroundings, Sakura realised she was lying on the forest floor. The earth beneath her was cool and slightly damp, the scent of rich soil mingling with the fragrant foliage around her. The canopy above filtered the sunlight, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor. Shafts of light danced with the shifting leaves, creating an enchanting play of shadow and illumination. She could hear the soft rustle of leaves and the distant murmur of a brook, painting a serene yet vibrant tableau of nature's embrace.

With swift instinct, Sakura sprang to her feet, kunai ready, every muscle poised for action. She held her defensive stance, eyes fixed on the approaching feline. Her senses were heightened, alert for any sign of an impending attack. But instead of hostility, the cat drew nearer, its movements deliberate and unhurried.

"Stay away from me! Where is your summoner?" Sakura's voice was a blade, cutting through the forest air. She maintained her focused gaze, unwilling to let her guard down. Whatever this cat was, it had played a role in her sudden loss of consciousness, and she couldn't afford to underestimate it.

The cat's response was a mix of exasperation and impatience. "Are you really that clueless? Can't you see the connection between what you just witnessed and me? Just look at my forehead, dummy!"

The words hung in the air, an unspoken challenge. Sakura's eyes flickered to the distinctive crescent moon on the cat's forehead, realisation slowly dawning. The pieces of the puzzle were starting to come together, painting a picture that seemed both surreal and oddly familiar.

Suddenly, it clicked for Sakura. The cat, Luna, was tied to the Moon Kingdom and Queen Neo-Serenity. She couldn't believe she hadn't seen it sooner. She knelt down to meet Luna at eye level.

"Ah, I suppose you finally get it," Luna said. "I'm Luna, and from now on, I'm your guardian. There's a lot you need to learn. I assume Queen Serenity has already told you about the past?"

This new revelation added another layer to Sakura's journey, with Luna now taking on the role of her guardian, helping her navigate her heritage and destiny.

Sakura's mind spun, trying to absorb Luna's revelation. "You're familiar with the tale of the Dark and Moon Kingdoms, and how it culminated in a devastating war, leading to their ruin, correct? The Dark Kingdom was defeated and banished. However, they harbour a burning thirst for revenge, and to realise their vendetta, they covet the silver crystals – the mightiest force in the entire galaxy. After the war, the crystal shattered into seven fragments, now reincarnated within living humans. Your task is to seek them out and reclaim these pieces, Sakura. You alone possess the capacity to wield the Crystal's power. Should anyone else from the royal moon lineage attempt to harness it, it would plunge them into madness. To confront them, I shall bestow upon you the mantle of the Guardian of the Moon."

Sakura's heart raced, her breaths coming fast and shallow. The weight of her newfound destiny pressed upon her, threatening to overwhelm. How could she possibly channel such immense power from a crystal? The notion of her being the reincarnation of a Moon Princess, destined to face down an entire Dark Kingdom, was almost too much to fathom.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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