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During an era of endless conflict, predating the age of shinobi and the establishment of Hidden Villages, a thousand years past, a strikingly beautiful lady and a formidable, enigmatic man descended upon the earth. Their purpose was to cultivate a God Tree and harvest its Chakra fruit, which she intended to offer to the main family of her clan from another realm.

Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, the enchanting lady, possessed cascading lavender locks that gleamed like a beacon. Her eyes, an ethereal blend of white and lavender, held an almost translucent quality, capable of ensnaring anyone who dared gaze into them. Her skin bore a milky hue, akin to moonlight. Despite her allure, she was a lesser member of her clan, marked for sacrifice to nurture the God Tree's growth.

In the embrace of this wondrous world, Kaguya discovered an enchantment that stirred her very core. The tapestry of life, woven with threads of diverse flora and fauna, wove a symphony of vibrant hues that danced in harmonious rhythm. Yet, it was the endearing quirks and genuine warmth of humanity that truly stole her heart.

Every moment spent on this terrestrial haven revealed a new facet of its charm. The gentle rustle of leaves, the delicate fragrance of blooming flowers, and the playful chatter of woodland creatures became the verses of a love song she couldn't help but join. The laughter of children, the shared glances of lovers, and the resilient spirit of humankind forged a profound connection within her.

It was this profound sentiment that led her to a fateful crossroad, where she chose to turn away from the foreboding figure of Isshiki. With a heart brimming with affection for Earth and its inhabitants, she embarked on a journey of boundless wonder, leaving behind a past that no longer resonated with the love that now enveloped her soul.

Later, the people of the Land of Ancestors discovered her and brought her before their emperor, Tenji.

Unveiling herself as the guardian of the God Tree, Kaguya possessed a mystical power that gently veiled Tenji and his entire court in a shroud of forgetfulness. This delicate enchantment allowed her to seamlessly become a part of their world, a figure of grace and mystery.

However, it was in Tenji and his people that Kaguya discovered a special place in her heart. They sought not power, but a tranquil tapestry of peace and boundless joy. Their values resonated with her, forming a profound connection.

As time wove its gentle threads, Tenji's gaze held a galaxy of emotions, and their souls danced in a silent, unspoken love. Kaguya became a cherished confidante, her presence in Tenji's life an irreplaceable treasure. In the embrace of the imperial court, their love story unfolded, a tale woven with stardust and whispered promises. Before long, Kaguya cradled the emperor's legacy within her, a living testament to the affection that had blossomed between them. Soon, the promise of new life swelled within her, a testament to their love, a child that would carry their story into the future.

As tensions escalated between the Land of Ka and the Land of Ancestors over a border dispute, Tenji sought to avert war by decreeing that any attack on the representatives of the larger nation would result in execution. Kaguya, however, defied this edict when her life was threatened, marking her and her companion as hunted outlaws.

Despairing of humanity but yearning still for peace, Kaguya concluded that she must attain god-like abilities to bring an end to their ceaseless strife.

Against her clan's taboos, Kaguya consumed the forbidden fruit, anticipating the eventual harvest of this world's God Tree. This act bestowed upon her the Rinne Sharingan, rendering her the sole possessor of chakra on the planet.

Empowered by this newfound might, Kaguya single-handedly quelled the wars and assumed dominion over the nations. In recognition of her role in ending the conflicts, she garnered the adoration and reverence of the populace, hailed as the Rabbit Goddess.

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