The Moon Kingdom 🌙 (old)

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A beautiful, uniquely subtle, fragrant, was around her when she slowly started gaining her coincidences. Her eyelids were still feeling heavy, she could feel a strong but not disturbing light, so Sakura decided to remain them closed for a while longer and just savor the soothing atmosphere.

Slowly the memories of the unknown voice, calling her name and with that falling from the tree recalls in her mind. She instantly opens her brilliant eyes and promptly checks her surroundings.

She was lying in a king-size bed, with lovely white with golden details decorated, heavy sheets over her, the plump pillow under her head was big and fluffy and had the same design as the sheets. Naturally worried and suspicious about the specific situation, her hand moves to her tights where her Kunai Pouch should be typically.

That's when she noticed that not only was she in a different place she doesn't know or recognize but that also her clothes and exact appearance changed.

Her short cherry blossom pink hair was now very long and styled in an Odango, with buns that look like rabbit ears, she had the feeling that her hair was now even shinier than before and it also smelled like moon flowers.

Instead of her pratique shinobi gear, she was currently assuming a pale white flowing dress with shoulder pieces disconnected from her dress, in the form of angel wings and a decorated bodice with gold hoops, with the bust defined by a row of golden beads. Trailing at the back, was a white slight bow with a long fluttery ribbon. She, on top, wore a brilliant gold beaded bracelet on her right wrist.

Her other hand started to gently move to her head and then she noticed that her hitai-ate was also missing. Gradually placing her hand down again she gently strokes against her prominent forehead and notices that her Byakugou seal changed its proper form, now it didn't feel like a diamond anymore, it was moreover like a crescent moon. An unpleasant feeling was spreading through her stomach. What if it doesn't work anymore?

Focusing back on the room, she takes the heavy sheets off and stands up from the warm, cozy bed. Flashed with a shiver from the arctic air she jumps up slightly. "Who would wear a dress like this when it's so cold here?". Sakura noticed that the unique architecture of the room she woke up in, doesn't resemble Konoha or any of the other hidden Village.

Everything in the room was made of polished White stones or blue crystals. Except for the bed she was laying, there wasn't much furniture in the room, a small commode next to the bed, a enormous window without any glass, a door of crystals on the opposing side of the bed, and one big mirror which included a frame of blue crystal was to her left. She walked in front of the mirror just to be astonished by her look.

She finds it unbelievable the pretty girl in the mirror should be her, Sakura Haruno. The long and silky hair was glossy in the light, the dress she already was stunned at by just looking down on herself was looking even more beautiful on her, as if it was only made for her. The gorgeous dress fitted perfectly on her body which brought her curves more to the foreground.

Focusing back on everything she remembers she could be in Enemy's territory, that's when she noticed the source of light was coming from the big window on the other side of the room. Walking on to it she was startled. She was in something like a Palace and everything was glowing and shining.

That's when an enchanting melody, which sounds so basic yet familiar started playing, the melody was so calming and offered her the peace that she lost, all her suspicion and her worries, for that moment. Sakura narrowed her eyes and just savored that moment.

Slowly the crystal door opened and a little light ball came inside almost like a glowworm, except it only consisted of sparkling light, a wintry blue light. But even though it looked so cold, the little light ball was causing her a pleasant feeling.

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