Mini Skirts and High heels? (old)

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Her eyelids were so heavy and the sunrays which were directly shining into her eyes were making it even harder for her to open them. Her Head hurt because of that "Dream" she only just had.

But she wasn't able to think a lot about it, feeling something heavy on her chest, which made it hard to breathe. She finally revealed her jades like eyes and looked directly into some obsidian brown eyes, but definitely not human eyes.

She instantly saw the sleek cat, her fur black with a shimmer of purple, enormous brown eyes, her eyes stayed for a few seconds locked on the moon crescent on the forehead of the cat.

Realising it could be an enemy she jumped up out of a reflex and pulled out her kunai in front of her body, in a fighting pose, ready for any attacks. But the possible attacks never came and the cat slowly made her way to Sakura.

'Stay away from me' , was Sakura shouting against the cat, not taking her eyes off it for any second, this cat was able to make her pass out so she shouldn't underestimate it.

But then something happened what Sakura would never guessed the Cat started to talk, 'Are you really that dumb and cant note the direct connection of what you just saw and me? Just look at my forehead dummy!'

Sakura already balled her fist and was about to punch the outrageous cat when realisation hit her hard, the Cat was talking about the Moon Kingdom and dear Queen Neo Serenity oh damn was she stupid. Therefore, she kneeled down to be on eye high with the rude Cat.

'Ah I guess you finally understood' , she said while nodding and kept talking afterwards, 'I am Luna and from today on your guardian there is a lot you still need to know. I guess Queen Serenity already has explained everything about the past right?'

The pinkette could only nod, she was too stunned by the cat and allow her continue, 'You already know about the Dark and Moon Kingdom and how everything ended up in a huge destructive war and got ruthlessly destroyed, that the dark kingdom lost and was banished right? Well, they seek revenge, and they want it from you, but to get they're revenge they need the silver crystals because that's the strongest weapon in the whole galaxy. After the war the crystal was split into seven pieces and reborn by humans now, you have to find them and get the pieces out of them. Sakura, you are the only one who can handle the extraordinary power of the Crystal right, if someone else except from the royal moon family tries to take advantage of the crystal, it will end in a chaos because the crystal makes them so powerful that it would drive them to madness. In order to beat them I will give you now your Guardian of the moon powers.'

Sakura was still trying to process the information she just got, how should she be able to maintain such a power from a crystal she still couldn't even believe it that she should be the reincarnation of the princess from the moon and now she should beat a whole fucking dark kingdom? Lost in her thoughts she nearly didn't notice how the black cat put a brooch in her hand.

Suspicious and curious, she carefully investigated it up. It was a round golden brooch, which seemed relatively expensive. The brooch has a moon crescent and a round circle symbol on it. Taking eyes away from it, she looked back to the cat which was waiting for her attention to keep explaining.

'So the brooch in your hands is your transformation brooch. It is better for you to transform into a guardian look while using these powers. This will pretend potential enemies recognize who you really are, so no one will intentionally harm your family and friends in order to get you. This will pretend enemies know who you really are, so no one will harm your family and friends in order to get you.

She agreed with Luna and did as she was told to she stood up and took the position, 'MOON PRISM POWER, MAKE UP' Sakura chuckled in her mind about the absurd things the just cat said but repeated after her.

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