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Immortal Realm

"Lingfeng Zun, do you think this is a good idea? Will anyone recognize you?" one of the five disciples ask

Lingfeng Zun sigh softly and look at her disciples. As their master, she needs to think about her disciples future too. If she bring them to the human world what bad thing could happen to them? She may be the strongest and the most powerful cultivator in immortal realm but how about human world? Can she protect them? Can her disciples protect themselves?

A lot of unanswered questions in her head as she scans her loyal disciples. She raise them, could she risk them in human world? What could go wrong?

"Lingfeng Zun, can I follow you? I want to see human world!" her youngest disciple, ZiMing said with excitement

"ZiMing, we are not going to human world for fun!" the second oldest, JueMing said sighing

"Enough kids, three of you here follows me. I can't bring all five with me. It's too dangerous" WuJuan said, making her disciples to look at each other

WuJuan sigh and shake her head as her disciples can't choose who to follow her. She raise from her throne and walk towards her disciples.

"JunMing, JueMing and LiChen follow me. While MengJun and ZiMing? Just stay here until I let you both to catch up with us" she said as she looks at MengJun and ZiMing

"Understood Lingfeng Zun" MengJun and ZiMing said in unison and bow their heads to show respect

WuJuan smile softly and turn her attention to the other three disciples.

"JunMing, JueMing, LiChen let's go? I will open the portal door now" she said as she grab her snowflower sword with her and open the portal door to human world


Human World

"Lingfeng Zun, where is this?" LiChen ask cluelessly as he looks around the place

It's more like street where people sells goods. It's makes the street crowded, full with people walking past them. As if they couldn't see four of them. But WuJuan knows that people choose to ignore them because everyone has their own life paths.

Cultivation is not important for normal people. Cultivation world now is in chaos because of her own brother.

Reason why she go to human world? She need to search for her brother and help him. Wei WuXian may not know her exitance, but still she will help him no matter what.

She knows the whole cultivation world against Wei WuXian because of the wicked path that he took. Only one person stand with him, Gusu Lan, Lan WangJi. At least she could heave sigh of relief because WuXian is not alone.

"Lingfeng Zun, where should we go now? It's too crowd here" JueMing ask

"Let's go to the quiet place first" WuJuan said, earning nods from her three disciples

Four of them ended up at the quiet place, the place seem peaceful than the busy and loud street before. It's look like an abandoned clan.

"Which clan is this? Never heard of it" JunMing ask as he observing closely at the wooden label on the wall

"Indeed never heard of it" JunMing sigh

"JunMing, JueMing, LiChen. Three of you need to cover your identities here. Cultivators may know us" WuJuan said as she cover half of her face with a white clothe

"Lingfeng Zun, how can cultivators knows us? Did they know the existence of immortal realm?" LiChen ask out of curiosity

"I heard people talking about me, so we need to be careful here. We can't expose ourself. It's night now, we should retreat at some place" WuJuan said and jump onto the wall to go into the abandoned place

Without wasting any time, JunMing, JueMing and LiChen also jump onto the wall to follow their master.

"Lingfeng Zun, I'm curious why we should help your little brother? Aren't cultivators also against him for doing bad thing?" JueMing ask as they steadily landed on the ground

"WuXian never do bad thing without any reasons. I know him too well even though I can't be too sure that he'll remember me" WuJuan said shrugging


Four of them alert and unsheathed their swords and points their swords at the boy who looks like he's from Gusu Lan clan.

"Who do you think then?" LiChen ask boringly as he sheath his sword back to it's scabbard

"LiChen?!" the boy ask shocked

"Chen, this person knows you?" JunMing ask with furrowed eyebrow

"Remember when I need to go to human realm to do something? That time this boy injured so I decided to be kind and help him with my healing power" LiChen explain

"Who..?" JueMing ask

"Lan SiZhui.. Gusu Lan disciple" SiZhui said and bow slightly at JueMing and others

"Right, SiZhui, why are you here?" LiChen ask curiously

"Night hunt with Hanguang Jun and Senior Wei" SiZhui response

"Aren't the world against Wei WuXian now?" JunMing ask

"But no one knows that he's actually Wei WuXian.. so it's still safe" SiZhui answer and smile slightly

"Lingfeng Zun...?" JueMing whispers at his master

"What?" WuJuan ask and slowly sheath her sword

"You spaced out" JueMing said shrugging

"Lingfeng Zun..? That sounds familiar .." SiZhui mumble and look at WuJuan

"May sounds familiar to you Lan SiZhui" WuJuan said and shrugs her shoulder

"Lingfeng Zun, this place is so cold.. I could freeze to death" LiChen complain as he hug himself

"Then die" JueMing said and stick his tongue out at LiChen

WuJuan shake her head and lit up fire on the wood fire pit. She don't even know why there's a wood fire pit on the ground. She just gonna lit it up with her flame power to warm LiChen and others up.

"Oh yeah, SiZhui where is Hanguang Jun and Senior Wei?" JunMing ask as they sit down and surround the fire pit

"Both are inside with Jingyi and other disciples. I'm here only to check outside but who knows I bumped into you guys" SiZhui said, smiling slightly

"You know you can call them to join us right?" JueMing ask

"Am I allowed?" SiZhui ask as he look at WuJuan, frightening a little bit because of WuJuan's aura, it's more intimidating than Hanguang Jun

"Ah, just bring them here. I'm sure our shifu doesn't mind it" JueMing said with a smile, he knows that SiZhui is frightening from Lingfeng Zun's aura

SiZhui nods his head and immediately run into the hall to find others, leaving WuJuan and her disciples alone outside.

"Lingfeng Zun, why you didn't introduce yourself to SiZhui?" JunMing ask

"Trust me Jun, he knows me but he can't remember me. I can be sure about this" WuJuan said and look at her disciples

JunMing nods his head and sigh softly. He never know that in human world could be so cold at night. He should wear some thick clothes next time.


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