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WuJuan stop on her track as soon as she heard the swords clashing ten meters away from her. She shrugs and slowly walk towards the sound. Lan WangJi must be fighting with someone now. No surprise.

But what shocked her more was when she saw the one who Lan WangJi fight with.

"XUE CHENGMEI!" she shout, making the fights stop and the name's owner looks at her with horror and terrified

"Shi.... Shifu..." XueYang stutter

She sigh and decided to lock his spiritual energy so that he can't fight back. What had happened to XueYang as soon as he stepped his foot in human world? Who corrupted his mind? Who makes him to do bad things?

Xue ChengMei or XueYang that she knew was a kind and obedient kid. But now? What happened to him? All could she feel now is disappointed. There's must be something bad that he did to make the Lan WangJi to fight with him.

She go closer to her disciple and lock some of his meridians.

"What are you doing XueYang? What happened to you? Who make you to act like this? Do you want me to lock you up in HuaCheng's flames dungeon?" she ask, trying to calm down

"Shifu...I can explain.." XueYang plead

"Xue ChengMei, what did I taught you back then? Don't start mess right? This is a huge mess ChengMei. Why did you keep the Yin Iron another shard? Why did you have the Stygian Amulet? Are you planning to destroy human's cultivation world? Why did you do this?" WuJuan ask, sounding mad and disappointed

XueYang knows he disappoint his shifu that's why she calls him Xue ChengMei not XueYang.

WuJuan take a deep breath and paralysing XueYang whole body and she take away XueYang's sword JiangZai, the Yin Iron shard and Stygian Amulet with force and keep it in her porch.

She summon the two spirits guards to take XueYang to immortal world.

"Lock him up until I go back to the realm" she tells the guards

"Understood Xiandu"

They vanish into the thin air with XueYang. WuJuan sigh again and look at Lan WangJi who is slightly injured and the shocked Wei WuXian.

"Lan WangJi, take this" she toss a bottle of pills in it to Lan WangJi

Lan WangJi look at her with questioning look, WuJuan who can read his expression just shrugs.

"Consume that if you didn't want to die young. XueYang smear poison on JiangZai's blade. He always did that if he need to fight someone" she casually answer

"This Lingfeng Zun really powerful to bring a psychotic XueYang down only by your presence. Something fishy here ain't it, Lingfeng Zun?" Wei WuXian ask

"Shut it Yiling Patriarch. Jin GuangYao brainwashed him. XueYang was a kind and obedient kid but after he left immortal realm to human world, a sociopath and psychopath decided to used him huh?" she responds with a smirk

"I'm as his master kinda disappointed. But this thing, where did you get it?" WuJuan ask, showing the floating Stygian Amulet

"Why should I tell you?" Wei WuXian ask and cross his arms

"Because, you will bear with the consequences Wei WuXian. You stole it from Burial Mount right? I remembered I tamed this demonic shit in a sword" WuJuan said with a serious tone

This makes Wei WuXian's heart dropped to his stomach. How can this Lingfeng Zun knows? Who is she? How did she know it's from Burial Mount? A lot of unanswered questions in his mind right now.

"Be honest with me, the punishment will be lighter" she said again as the Stygian Amulet drop into her hand

"Wei Ling" Lan WangJi mumble out

She smile and look at Lan WangJi. Didn't know that Lan WangJi got guts to call her birth name. No one dare to call her that.

"Lan WangJi, don't drop your manner. I legit safe your life from my demonic but kind disciple a moment ago" she warn Lan WangJi, still with a kind smile on her face

If only they know, her warning with a kind smile means she will kill or torture them alive but thinking that Wei WuXian is her little brother, she didn't do anything.

"Wei Ying, Wei WuXian. Honestly said, I never know that you will follow my step to be a demonic cultivator in human world. Human, human will against this idea for taking wick and demonic path. They will kill us for sure. But in immortal realm, a demonic cultivation is very normal. Really normal to the point that no one really care. But in this human world, everyone will points their swords at us" WuJuan said with a calm tone

"Do not think that you are the grandmaster of demonic cultivation.. because a certain someone is the one who is the founder and the one who started it all" WuJuan said smiling

"This chaos, mess starting from Yin Iron, and then a cunning and ruthless Wen RuoHan, then Jiang WanYin's core melts away from Wen ZhuLiu's core melting hand. And someone decides to gave his core away to Jiang WanYin, that someone were tortured to the edge of death and Wen Chao threw him at Burial Mount. He found the tamed sword but the sword awaken again after a thousand years because of his blood. But I don't blame him for this, I blame Yin Iron, Wen RuoHan and WenChao for this" she said shrugging and look at her little brother

Wei WuXian's jaw dropped and blinks his eyes.

"You must be wondering how I know it all right?" WuJuan ask

Wei WuXian nods his head quickly and waiting for explaination from WuJuan again.

"Ask your Lan Zhan about this. He knows who am I. And Wei Ying, I pity your very bad memories. Good luck on remembering who am I" WuJuan said smirking

"Lingfeng Zun, ChengMei were here before?" HuaCheng ask, showing up right in front of WuJuan

"Yes, but I sent him away with the guards. Isolate him in the dungeon until I come back but don't punish him, just let him be in the dungeon. I need detail explaination from him" WuJuan order which earning understanding nods from HuaCheng

HuaCheng salutes and disappear from WuJuan's sight.

"What a tough day" she mumble and decide to find KeXing and her three disciples


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