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Surround by people on the street, Wen KeXing could only sigh and look at his shijie and the disciples. He never gets used by crowds of human. But at least he escaped from the old Ye Bai Yi's sudden attack or childish argument.

He could only listen to the great Lingfeng Zun, the most respected woman in immortal realm. Some are terrified of her because of her deadly weapons, high level of martial arts and hidden deadly spells. She could kill anyone in seconds with her powers but she's not killing anyone who are innocent.

In immortal realm, she lives up her reputation as Excellency and Supreme Leader but he know Lingfeng Zun is not gonna expose her real identity anytime soon.

"Wen KeXing, you are spacing out. Did you miss ZiShu?" WuJuan ask with furrowed eyebrow as she poke KeXing's arm

"As if I can go back. That old Ye really block the entrance with something and I could not break in except you shijie, you can break it" KeXing said frowning

"You might as well follows me for the time being because BaiYi will wander around in human realm. You do know how hard to convince Ye to break free the entrance. He's not here with us or neither there in immortal realm. And I'm not going back for now to break it for you" she said shrugging

KeXing huff and sigh. His shijie is right. No one can break the old Ye's spells other than Ye himself or his shijie.

"Lingfeng Zun, where are we going now? SiZhui said we can follow them for night hunt" JunMing said with a smile

"Then? I don't forbid you guys to follow them, just behave yourself so why don't three of you just follow them instead of here with KeXing and me" WuJuan said

"Really? Don't you need us shifu?" LiChen ask and tilt his head in confusion

"Just go, plus your Xing ge also here with me. He's enough to help me"

The three disciples smile and slightly bow their heads at WuJuan and KeXing. They walk away with GusuLan's disciples.

"Shijie, where are we going now?" KeXing ask with a pout on his lip

WuJuan chuckle and shake her head, as soon as her disciples went away, KeXing will act out of norm. He will automatically act like a kid when he's with her.

"To Yiling, I should check the Burial Mount" she smile and drag KeXing with her

"That place sounds not normal to me shijie" KeXing complain

"Shut it KeXing, not now. You only need to listen to me and follow me" WuJuan sigh

"Really shijie! Why Burial? Instead of other name why Burial?" KeXing whine

WuJuan shake her head and decide just to go ignore her shidi's whining and complain about the mount's name.


Burial Mount, Yiling

"There's ward covering this place, shijie.." KeXing inform the older female who looks around the place, he know something is up when his shijie is observing around like that

"Break it" WuJuan said, making KeXing look at her with shock expression on his face

"Why do we need to break it? We need to go in?" He ask

"Back off" WuJuan command which KeXing immediately obey and back off a little bit

WuJuan touch the ward, as expected the ward turns blue in colour when someone touched it. She shrugs and draw a talisman with her fingers to break the ward. A human cultivator's ward always easy to break so she don't really use effort to break it.

Both of them walk further in and KeXing start to fan himself with his traditional fan again. He don't really like the idea of this burial mount condition. All the stuff were destroyed.

But people did actually lived here once? Someone must had built those wooden tables but this place isn't a place where human should live. All the negative energies is bothering KeXing now.

"They call this place a burial mount for a reason after all" WuJuan said as she noticed there's a human skeleton scattering to some place

"All the negative energies here.. all the souls that trapped here for a long time.." KeXing mumbles but WuJuan still heard him

"I heard some rumor that if we go to this burial mount, we cannot get out from here anymore. Human always die if they come here to make mess" WuJuan said and shrugs her shoulders

"But we both still can get out of here right?" KeXing ask

"Yes, with our cultivation level. We still can get out of here" WuJuan response as she walks into the old temple there

"Shijie, aren't you already met Wei WuXian? Why you didn't follow him?" KeXing ask out of curiosity

WuJuan stop walking and smile.

"KeXing, this world indeed small. I don't have to find him, he came to me. He just didn't know that I'm his sister. But I can be sure that Hanguang Jun knows me. I asked JunMing, JueMing and LiChen to follow them so that I can investigate that cunning and sociopath Excellency beforehand with you" WuJuan said with a smile as she summon her black fold fan

KeXing chuckle and nods his head. His shijie is indeed something.

"That's mean shijie, you know that Jin GuangYao and Jin GuangShan dark secrets?" KeXing ask

"I know everything"

"So shijie, you bring me with you to investigate what are they up to and try to find a way to expose both of them?" KeXing ask again

"Yes. Exactly. Jin GuangYao frames WuXian so I need to be part of this thing" WuJuan said shrugging

Suddenly there's few black sparkly butterflies fly towards WuJuan. The butterflies formed few secret codes that only WuJuan knows.

"JunMing said they are on their way to an abandoned town" WuJuan inform KeXing

"Which town? Old man Ye said he wanted to go to few abandoned towns in human realm so I don't know which one" KeXing ask, tilting his head

"We could just follow these butterflies soon" WuJuan said, earning nods from KeXing

"About this place, I'll ask the spirits to look after this place. We will come back later" WuJuan said and summons her spirits guards

"Let's go follow them. Something must be there so Hanguang Jun and WuXian go there" WuJuan sigh

KeXing only nods his head and follow his shijie. He don't have any objections as fun thing will happen in that abandoned town soon.


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